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Hi, my name is Brittany, I'm 21, I just got my first CAG two days ago, so far so good! His name is Gizmo, he's a year old, doesn't bite and is mischievious! First thing I am going to do is poop train him to go at his cage. He's a very picky eater, but I'm working around that. Thanks!

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Hello and welcome to the family, Brittany, glad you could join us and I look forward to hearing more about you and Gizmo, what a cute name, reminds me of the movie "Gremlins".


Please read thru the many threads here on various topics for lots of useful and helpful information and if you have specific questions you would like to ask, we will do our best to answer and help you in any way we can.


Glad to hear he does not bite, but rest assured it probably won't remain that way, we all get a nip every now and then with some of us getting more than their fair share.


If you have a picture of Gizmo you would like to share with us, we would love to see him.

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Hello Brittany and Gizmo,

How old is Gizmo? One thing I have to tell you is that greys will not poop in there cages often. They do this because in the wild there are many predators that would find their sent and will attack them when the sun goes down.They are very smart birds and also loving good luck with Gizmo and welcome to the family!!!!

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Welcome Brittany!!


It sounds like you have obtained a wonder fellow there. Gizmo seems a good name for such an intelligent creature as a grey.


There are some threads you can find here on the Forum directory addressing training your new grey to go poop on command.


Also, everyone here is more than happy to assist you in any questions you may have.


We look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing some photos of Gizmo when you get a chance. :-)

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Thanks! I did get the name from the movie Gremlins! I've noticed that because he has his wings clipped, he doesn't fly (of course), but he will duck down, spread out his wings and move like he is going to jump, if i don't take him where he is trying to go he picks at his feet and does it all over again.

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