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Hi guys im new here and to parrots, i had a Quaker Parrot still do, and 2days ago got a lovely African Grey of 18weeks and male, he can whistle and talk a few words and laugh, and having problems stepping up i have to lift him from underneath on both his sides then he steps up, he bites sometimes, not hard though seems playful, but if i annoy him he makes his growl then i leave him be.


Any tips for me like bathing, showering, things i should know.


He also starts sqeeling loud so i ignore him, but hes new so im assuming its setting in, he has a big cage, also ordered a huge pech play thing, chew balls, foot toy things, im not an expert but i bought a ton of things online that should arrive shortly that should keep him happy and healthy.


I would not say im scared of him biting or scared of him at all, i just really dont wanna annoy him and give him a bad temperment, so i guess thats why im here. He does like me i get a lot of tail wagging after i lift him and play around (he does stay on my hand only when i lift him onto it, but no step up yet) he has came over and climbed up on my shoulder himself and stayed there for about an hour fiddling his beak and cuddling up to my neck, this really broke my back lol.


Anyway im here to learn of the rest of you as i wanna give this bird (unnamed so far) a brilliant amazing life and home.


Hes my new parrot for life.


Thanks any tips appreciated

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Hello HaRRo,

welcome to the family. Good luck with your new companion you will learn alot here and have fun doing it. First of all the bird needs as much human contact as possiable. He (or she) needs to learn to trust you. You can not show any weekness toward the bird, they have a great memory that they use ery often. I f you pull away when he is going to nip he will feed on that. Just put your hand under his chest and dont back away take the nip if you have to. as time goes on he will learn that this means to step up. Be very consistant with the bird. Dont tease it or back away from him. He also needs time to get used to your home this can take some time also but this is also a trust thing. He needs to get his bouneries and he will test how far to push them with you. It is also important to have other people to hold him so he becomes friendly with others as well. You dont want a freind of family member getting nipped because you did not allow this from the begining. Lots of luck with him and again welcome to the family.

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Thanks, i have two things im worried about also,the pet shop i bought him off said his wings where clipped, i have a quaker parrot thats wings are clipped also, the quaker can slightly fly or hover, but the CAG has fallen and seems to not be able to even hover at all is this normal?


Also when i open the cage he pops out he loves out, i can not get him back in at all, unless i lift him with two hands, sometimes he doesnt like this, any tips for getting him back in?


Also another should i bath him shower him or try at this stage? or is it too early.

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Showering is good for them does he have al of his feathers yet? You should shower him at least 2to3 times a week. You need to work on the perching with him, he will get more comfy with it as time goes by. Just dont totaly spoil him let him be a bird fisrt then a pal to you. This is his way to see how far can I push them.Wing are a prefrence do you want him to fly or hover? If you want a full flight bird just be careful not to loose him. It happens more then you know. I dont believe in harnests myself so I clip all of my birds wings to ensure that they are not going anywhere. But others like to have there wings not clipped. It is your bird so you have to make the disishion whether to clip or not there are pros and coms on both ways.

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Hello and welcome to the family, Harro, glad you could join us and congrats on your new grey, please let us know what you do name him.


Please read thru the many threads here on various topics for lots of useful information and if you have specific questions, as you already have asked, we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


In answer to the clipping wings question, sounds like he may have been too severly clipped, he should not be falling like a rock, he can hurt himself that way. He should be able to glide to the floor but no he will not hover at all.


Do not show any fear or hesitation on trying to get him to step up, he will sense that and act on it.


As far as getting him back into the cage, just put him there, he needs to know that he has to go back when you say so for you are the boss, he will eventually learn that he goes back when you say so.


I would try taking him into the shower with you and see how he reacts, some greys do love to bathe and take showers, you won't know unless you try.


If you have a picture you would like to share with us, we would love to see him.

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He is already clipped i was just wondering if its normal to fall fully, because my quaker has been clipped and he can hover, but this would just fall flat on his face. He cant even hover at all. Im guessing its not normal, will it grow back so he can hover if this was a bad cut by the pet shop?<br><br>Post edited by: HaRRo, at: 2007/11/27 19:31

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Welcome Harro!!


It seems everyone has already given you some good information on your questions and concerns.


Time, consistency and patience is all it will take for you to get your new fellow stepping up and many more things.


It sounds like you are already getting along well very well with him.


Did the breeder happen to say if he was allowed to fledge at all before his wings were clipped? Fledging is important for all maturing Greys to go through. It greatly increases their coordination, balance and a strong confidence in performing the wonderful acrobatics they do naturally as they mature. :-)

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