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Pattie the Buffon's Macaw


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I started working at a local pet store about 2 months ago (needed to get a second job) and I can't even begin to tell you all how gratified I felt after working with one of the "not for sale" parrots we have at the store. Pattie is one of two pluckers that have lived in the store for about 15 years...she is a huge Buffon's Macaw and she lives in a cage with Sasha...a Scarlet Macaw with a real mean streak. Well, Every time I would walk past the cage Pattie and Sasha would start in with the "Hi...Bye...Cracker" and it always cracks me up. I'm not sure why but a week ago when I was walking past the cage Pattie caught my eye. She just had this look on her face like she was lonely or something. I then started working with her to let me touch her feet and slowly I worked my way up so that now I can put my hand under her wings and rub her back...that's where she plucks. The more and more I worked with her the more excited she would get when she sees me coming. So this last Sunday I decided that they needed time out of the cage and put the two of them in one of the "pens". I then gave them a much enjoyed spray bath, and as I was walking away I heard something I have never heard before. Pattie had slid down the perch onto the floor of the pen and was watching me through the glass wall and calling out "come here Pattie...I love you!" I could not believe my ears...after all I have been around these birds for all the time working there and I would go into the store at least once a month for toys and food for my birds and never heard Pattie say one thing other than "Hi, Bye, cracker". I just about had tears in my eyes because it was obvious Pattie has realized she has someone there that really loves her...and she must love me too because she gave me some of her food a few times as well. It feels so good to work with a bird like Pattie...knowing that most people won't give her a second look because of her plucking and her sheer size intimidates pretty much everyone from trying to give her just the smallest head scratch…after all, she is almost as big as the hyacinths.

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She is such a sweetheart...I can't image not loving on her now that I have gotten to know her. Now to get Sasha to come around. :laugh:


I kind of made it my mission to play and love on all the birds that don't get the kind of attention the baby birds get every day. I tell you what, some of the adults are really loving once you get their trust...I kinda like them more than the babies because you can really tell what kind of personality they have where the babies you just get the gist of what’s to come from them...plus they really appreciate your time with them more.

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LOL...ohhh trust me, if I had the room and the money I would have brought home Pattie, Sasha, Ethel (a abnormally large B&G), Harley (a Harlequin Macaw), and Sunshine (a normal B&G) so far...


I sure do hope I get Sasha to come around...right now I have a big scab on my stomach from her biting me. I was pushing the cage and the rollers get stuck now and then so I started pushing with my body...that’s when she got me! At least she got me where she did because my "Girls" where pushed against the cage too.

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Yeah, it was so cute yesterday when I got to work. The cage Pattie and Sasha are in is right in view of the doorway from the back room to the sales floor and as I walked onto the floor I heard Pattie start screaming...plus I could see her blushing the whole 20 feet away.:P I had to go over and give her loving'...and Sasha just kept asking me for a cracker (that means peanut to her):laugh:


Sunshine the B&G would not leave me alone ether. I normally don't allow any parrot other than my grey on my shoulder, but Sunshine has proven to be a very good girl and is given a little bit of shoulder privilege. She won't come to anyone else that works there and I have only seen her go to one customer sense she came to the store. I feel so bad for her, her owner sold her to the store about 3 weeks ago along with a 30 year-old Amazon and a 5 year-old ring neck mini macaw. Her cage had poop so thick on the perches you could tell it had not been cleaned in a good 6 months. Anyways, she got up onto my shoulder and started pumping her head like there was no tomorrow...I think she has actually given me more food then my own grey. :laugh: She isn't very cuddly, but boy does she show her love in other ways!

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She's a beauty Berna, even though she is a plucker and looks like she wants to step up for you in one pic, I'm so glad she has you to care for her and love her and you can tell she returns the favor.:) Thanks for sharing Pattie with us.

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