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Eye Color Development


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Dear Friends,


I need to see some photos for Eye color changing against Parrot Age, more specifically I need to have some eye photos for parrot with 6 month Age and 1 year, 1.5 year of Age as well more than 2 years, can some one help in this.


Thanks for all:woohoo: :evil:

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The CAG and TAG as a baby parrots will have dark grey to black eyes up until they are roughly 6 months of age when their eye color starts to lighten. By the time they reach a year, their eyes become a pale grey color. At about 1.5 to 2 yrs their eyes will turn a pale straw color. And lastly at about 3-4 years of age, they will have a light yellow iris. This is one way to be able to determine an estimate of how old a baby is when visiting bird stores. Grey's usually reach maturity at about 4-5 years of age.

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There are general guidelines about when young Greys' eyes change colors (as lovemygreys says above), but I have read information from experienced breeders that there can be a lot of individual differences in when the color changes. So, in other words, it's hard to know exactly how old a young Grey is (before the eyes turn to the mture adult color) based on eye color.


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Hey Dan,

Nice looking bird you have there. He is a looker thats for sure. Abu why are you looking for the differant eye colors? How old is your bird? There eyes start to change at about 6 months old and will stay pretty much the same color for the life of the bird. Normally a little yellowing will accure after time.

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