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What's wrong with my baby?!?


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Hi everyone. I have a big problem wit my baby Grey Noah.

he turns 1 tomorrow, and he recently has started chewing off his tail feathers at the base, and he is rubbing off his chest feathers on his cage bars. I don't know what to do. He is out of his cage all the time, except when we are at work, and at bedtime. I even went and got him a buddy. a little parakeet to talk to. not in the same cage obviously, but he is close enough to him that they can see each other. I am at my wits end and it has gotten bad enough that we have decided to find him a home where he can get all the attention that he wants. My husband thinks it is because I don't hold him enough, but I don't have enough hours in the day to give everyone in our home the attention they want if that's the case. I really don't want to let him go but I can't stand the arguments about it anymore. does anyone have any suggestions? I have owned birds for 25 years but this is the first bird I have ever had that has done this. his chest is all down feathers now. any suggestions would be appreciated!

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Does she still have her baby feathers (black tip) on her tail?


If so, I have an idea regarding the tail feathers! Liath is 16 months old, and a couple of months ago she started to do pretty much what you describe, chewing her tail off. I was quite upset and like you thought I wasnt giving her enough attention.


And one by one, her mangled tail feathers moulted, and she now has most of her beautiful scarlet tail which she doesnt chew. Maybe she was just helping the old feathers to moult?


On occasion over the past couple of months, sometimes she looks like she has been dragged through a hedge backwards, and loads of downy feathers will stick out. And then she will get new chest, or wing feathers and look gorgeous again for a while.


I think its just moulting her baby feathers...



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Yes, it sounds like molting as Siobha9 has indicated.


Please don't rehome your baby Grey. I know you have his best interests at heart, but it truly dooes not sound like he is unhappy.


It would break his heart to lose his "parents". :-(


I am sure it would break your hearts also to do so. :-)


Please keep us update and ask any questions you may have.

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Hi Wendy~n~Joe it may be just a molt, my two boys are 10 months & they have a lot of downy feathers at the moment & they have a lot of red tail feathers missing to.Can you take him to the vet to see if there is a medical problem ? Does he get bathed regularly ?

please consider all your options before re homing him this may effect his behaviour & you sound as if you care for him deeply.I only wish i was nearer to help you out.

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Maybe he has an infection in his crop/throat. My mom's African Grey had this problem. Her grey plucked his feathers around his crop nonstop. The vet prescribed medication and he stopped and is all better now...with new feathers. Have you taken him to an avian doctor yet?

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Another thought would be the parakeet and any other recent "change" to his environment (moving furniture, etc). Greys are very sensitive to their surroundings. I don't remember my grey or my mother's grey molting in this manner. Please keep us posted.

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I got the parakeet because he was chewing his feathers. He is actively CHEWING them off leaving the feather shaft. I will try to get some pictures. as for his chest feathers, he is "sanding" them off on his cage bara.

he does have a few tail feathers coming in and his black tips are there. He ONLY does this when I am not home, or if I lock him up.

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If this is a crop infection you would smell a yeast smell and then you need antibiodics for her. This also sounds like a spoiled bird.(please dont take that wrong). Sometimes birds will be out of sorts if they are not getting enough attention. Like a child that does thing that make you wonder why is he or she doing this. Greys are highly intelligent and love to push the envelope to see what reaction they get in return. My macaw ziggy is like that sometimes he sees how far he can push my wife. Never with me tho. This could be a reason for your grey. I just hope you dont have a plucker on your hands. That is a possibility also. Greys are not much pluckers as in other species.

please let us know if this helps any. Re homing might not be the answer. If this is what you deside please let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would say its a molt also. My blue and gold does that to his feathers probably a month to three months prior to molting...he looks a MESS!:( But then the most beautiful feathers come in right where he messed the other ones up...he ends up with shafts just like you described. I watch this and wonder if he is taking an inventory of which feathers need to go. Sorry, I always say my B&G...but Finnigan, my grey is only 7 months old...so I don't know much about her yet. :unsure:

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  • 1 month later...

Well Here's a little update for everyone. Noah has continued to shred himself. I found out it is over preening. I had no idea why, but It was recommended to get him a smaller cage. (he was in the San Francisco CALIFORNIA CAGE) he now has the Santa Monica: California cage which is quite a bit smaller. I thought the bigger the cage the better, boy was I ever wrong! The next day his behavior changed completely. he stopped pulling feathers and shaking the cage doors and throwing his food out of the cage. He is actually playing with his toys and is now content to stay in his new cage with the door open. I found out greys need a cozier cage so they feel secure. He was constantly nervous. why I still don't know. so now is is an African gGrey sized cage instead one of a macaw!

thanks to everyone for their ideas!{Nature-00020095}

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Well I guess this proves that bigger is not always better at least as far as Noah is concerned, but glad it is looking up for you and him. Wow, what a change he has made from just downsizing the cage for him, glad you figured this out and keep us informed of his further progress. Thanks for the update.:P

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I'm glad your bird is doing better in the new, smaller cage, and hope the feather shredding stops. They are all different, and what suits one may not suit another!


I'm curious if you know anything about the breeder and the early socializing that was done. Many Greys that have been force-weaned at an early age tend to be less secure and have more of tendency to pluck than those who were abundance weaned and well socialized.

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Thanks for the updater on Noah, Wendy.


I guess you never know sometimes. They are all different as others have said. Dayo is in a HUGE cage and loves it. It must be a security thing, as others have suggested including your vet.


Chalk up one more thing to try in getting a Grey that plucks to stop. :-)

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chapala wrote:

I'm glad your bird is doing better in the new, smaller cage, and hope the feather shredding stops. They are all different, and what suits one may not suit another!


I'm curious if you know anything about the breeder and the early socializing that was done. Many Greys that have been force-weaned at an early age tend to be less secure and have more of tendency to pluck than those who were abundance weaned and well socialized.


he came from a well known well respected store called bird fever. they don't release the birds until the birds are ready to go, not until they want to get rid of them so that's not it.<br><br>Post edited by: Wendy~n~Joe, at: 2008/02/05 02:43


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  • 1 month later...

Unfortunately this habit started again after my husband put new flooring in the kitchen. I moved his cage and re arranged everything in his cage and he has stopped again....so far. The unfortunate part is it has come to a point where I am entirely too frustrated with him to the point it is causing problems at home with my family. and I would like to find him a home that has the time to give him that he needs. I absolutely hate it becasue I have always said I would never be one of "Those People" That would give up on a pet, but this has been going on for a very long time, and I can no longer handle my own bird. He shakes uncontrollably whenever I come near him. He is bonded to my husband apparently. I have never once raised a hand or my voice to him. I keep him well fed and clean. I talk to him every chance I get, but it's not enough..... If anyone on this forum is willing to take on this challenge I will be happy to discuss adoption with you, but he will only go to a good home that is willing to devote the time I cannot, but that is why I am posting here.

we are in kokomo, IN

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I am so glad your baby grey is doing better, Wendy!


I've been doing a lot of reading about clicker training lately; it seems to help with feather plucking as well as a number of other problem behaviors. I'm no expert - haven't even tried it yet - but it's something to look into if you have additional problems with your little guy

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