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my grey,Prissy stop speaking for 3 days now


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Guest briansmum

hmmm.. it is a bit unusual, can you give us more information. has anything changed in the home? new routine? new item of furniture in her room? did anything happen to her a few days ago? etc


other than that how is her behaviour in general? is she eating and playing fine? or is she more subdued as well as quiet. please provide us with some more details so we can try and offer some answers.

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Prissy is still eating and she is very mobile yet the majority of her time is spent in one corner of her cage on her perch .We have a very large family four children ages 12-18 she is never lonely someone is always speaking to her or spending time with her she is a very friendly african grey so this is so out of the ordinary.she has a very basic parrot diet as you know they are finicky and like what they like.I hope that you can help me .

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how do you get the tags cut from your bird if you no longer agree with it at first I was all for it because greys cost so much but it is so unnatural that I can no longer see my Prissy this way,it is steel it seems and it seems to small now.

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If you aren't familiar with all the different things that greys can possibly do, then you should go to the vet quickly. Only you can see how extremely different he is. Answers given here would only be guesses cause what you think is bad might not be or it could be the other way around. Since this might be a health problem, you need a vet. A parrot can get ill and a person won't even notice it until the problem is serious. Your grey constantly staying in one corner of the cage is a good enough reason to see a vet, especially if your grey is normally outgoing.

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Guest briansmum

i agree with dave, particularly if she is spending more time than usual sat in a corner.


and what do you mean by tag? the ring around her leg?

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Just one thought - if she is three years old, could it be the start of "puberty" and getting a bit hormonal? If the vet check comes back all clear, maybe that is contributing. Someone else who has gone through that (mine was 12 when I got her so over that part) can speak to that if everything else is okay.



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