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Birds behavior - Covid19


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Hi everybody,

I was really thinking about how this Covid pandemic is gonna affect our lives and our birds' lives. Personally I'm respecting the lockdown rules in France and have been staying at home since 2 weeks, only going out once a week to buy the necessities. It's starting to be very difficult, especially not knowing when will this end. Personally I'm not afraid of getting the virus, I have good immunity level and will most probably get sick for a few days and get over it. What scares me and keeps me in is the idea that I migh get the virus and spread it to others unintentionally, thus causing someone's suffering or even death. This is something that I can't bare on my conscience...

2 weeks into the lockdown and I'm not sure how to bare this longer. Even Pookie my grey has started to get stressed. She's not used to us staying at home all the time and it's exciting and stressing her at the same time. I guess she's not getting her siesta as usual as we're around the house all day. Or probably she can feel our stress and our boredom and is only reciprocating. Not sure how to face this...

Have you guys noticed any change of behavior in your greys as a result of the lockdown? 


Looking forward to your comments 


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I haven't but I'm not a good example. I've been retired for a few years now, so Timber has adjusted to my frequent presence. I'll be watching what others say with interest. I do know that any schedule changes tend to upset Timber's routine, so it is unsurprising to me that Pookie is confused by your constant presence.

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No comments or advice -- greys are just so sensitive to the tiniest change in routine.  Sorry.  Anything I can think of that you might change to make things better is ALSO another change in routine.  :(

Maybe Pookie will eventually adjust to more one-on-one time and attention while you're home.  (fingers crossed for good luck)

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Our house has always been a place of change with new things, people, and places to go.

Corky has adjusted to new things all her life with travel people and places.

I guess I`m lucky as she adjusted to the loss of my wife  two years ago and a third 3rd move as I have down sized our living conditions from a large house to a double wide mobile home. 

She has taken change in stride all her life and in a short period of time.

A active house and life has made her a well adjusted companion.

She will be 20 years old this Dec. 5 and still takes new people and things in stride and makes friends and welcomes new comers.053.JPG.a0b5d7507a7024190520d7cc2ff96ceb.JPG093.jpg.fa10f488537ba4e3068b5aaf93626de6.jpg178.jpg.9186af9cc7ec82b7b155463c475ca7e1.jpg


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Well today we’ve tried something, I went out with my husband for one hour to walk. When we came back Pookie was napping, and she has happily greeted us. I guess she felt good that mom and dad went out and left her alone. We felt good too after a walk in the sun.

we have decided to do that daily, a good break for us and for her 🤗.

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That was pretty smart -- to give Pookie her alone time!  My Snickers has never been happy when I leave.  He is really taking advantage of having me home all day and he's being 'needy' these days.  No amount of attention is enough!  If he's asleep and I try to quietly slip off to bathroom or something -- he immediately wakes up and starts squeaking!  

I think your Pookie is amazing to actually demand some alone time!   :)

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