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my first post!

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hi! my name is kris and i brought my CAG home today. :) we currently have a big 16 pound housecat, a QP and now our CAG. in addition to the feathered and furred members, our family consists of me, my husband ian and our daughter.


i am sure you guys will be seeing a LOT of me here as the Greys are very new to us, and we want to make sure we do things properly. :)



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Hello and welcome to the family, Kris, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new grey.


Congrats on bringing home your new grey today and you are starting a lifetime of companionship that will simply amaze you and you will be forever blessed with is presence in your life.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and don't hesitate to ask any specific questions you may have, we will get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


What did you name your Cag and do you know what sex it is?


That is some cat, 16 pounds, and you know of course to never leave them in the same room unsupervised, I say this not only because the cat may go after the Cag but the other way around is possible also.


If you have a picture of your new grey that you would like to share with us, we would love to see it.

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thanks for the warm welcome! i hope i don't drive you guys nuts in the coming weeks with my questions. :blush:


he seems to be a very well adjusted bird, but with only the CAG rep to go on and no personal experience, i am concerned he will be irreparably unhappy with his change in circumstances. that's your warning for my upcoming overreacting :)


his name is goofy and he is reported to be a male. he has not been sexed, but apparently was purchased from a breeder who is confident based on his head shape. ::shrug:: his previous owner attempted to change his name to coco, but goofy bird didn't want anything to do with that :lol:


he is 12 or 13 years old and can whistle a few tv theme songs. he says a few things (so i am told) and makes some interesting noises.



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He won't be unhappy if you give him lots of love, good healthy food and a happy environment to live in. The fact that you said he is a very well adjusted bird says that he is not unhappy at present and I see no reason that should change.


Don't worry about asking questions, thats what the forum is here for, and we would encourage you to ask any question, no matter how trivial or silly it sounds. We want to help you in any way we can so don't be shy about asking.

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