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Makena Taking a Bath (Video)


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I know many of you have greys that hate the shower... Makena happens to love it!


We have a regular shower rod hanging across the bath tub. When we take a shower we stick him up there and point the stream onto the bar. Sometimes he likes to bath himself and other times he just hangs out off to the side and falls asleep. Today he felt like a shower, so I filmed him. ENJOY :P :P :P



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Well if you're grey is taking a bath like Makena is I would certainly bring in my vid camera (if I'd own one) every day into the shower :laugh: (though I really wondered when watching it if the humidity isn't harming the camera?)


Anywayzzzzzzzzz Makena I had such a good time watching this horrendously sweet bird that I am going to show my daughter this as well. Too good to be missed ;)

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Haha, you guys! Actually I was standing outside of the shower and zoomed in. I just used my little point and shoot camera that has a video function (that's why it isn't the best quality). As for the humidity, the water wasn't hot. Makena likes cold showers ;)

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We started bathing Makena as a baby. At first we didn't even put water on him when he was a chick, we would only bring him into the shower and let him perch to get used to it. As time went on, we would start to mist him, and increased it until he felt comfortable in the water. If he even looked like he was uncomfortable or didn't like it, we would take him away from the water, and put him back on his perch. I think that doing this allowed him to be comfortable both with the shower and water. Time was definitely key here, don't rush it - as it could have the obvious negative effect of fright. Every couple of days, we'll now add in a mist of aloe vera juice after he has his fun time. Thought this info may be useful for those new grey owners who are interested in bathing there bird. This can also work with older birds, but once again time is key and it may take even longer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this video! Winsten loves to shower, also. He loves to take showers in the kitchen sink, too. If he's anywhere near either the shower or sink, he'll almost dive into it. I have no idea how he ended up loving the water so much, I didn't teach this to him. :)

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I love that video,eintein like to bath in her water bowl and when i get her something bigger for her to bath in or if i do the shower she really has no interet in it.i do spray her feel she like that.

thanks on showing that. I was looking for this subject anyway cool.

thanks for sharing


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