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Possible AG getting sick.

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This is a tragety what else can I say for your loss.

I'm sure he is at peace now, not that it makes it easier for you. Keep your head up while you greave this was no way your fault. The beautiful thing in times like this is that you have to keep him in your heart. The memories you have with him will last forever. He was a beautiful bird, by the pictures you can tell that he was a very happy and loving bird living with you. You are a loving household that took this little angel in and raised him to be a great companion to you and your family. In the end you did everything you could to save his live. But the man upstairs took him to be your guardian angel, and thats what he will be. In the word of the church only the GOOD DIE YOUNG and im sure thats why he was taken from you. Please dont give up on getting another bird after your greaving is over( It is never over), there are so many birds out there that need a loving home. I am certain that your home will be a great home for another. His little heart was not good for him but in his heart he was a loving and careing soul. That is more than he could handle and your heart is now broken. He may be gone but he will never be forgotten.

Agian my words are here to help you through this rough time,but only you can really feel the effects of this great loss. I will keep you in my prayers and also Rafikki. He is in a much better place now remember that. Please let us know when all the test results are final. We woulg love for you to stay here and talk with us if you would like to.

Agian I am so SORRY for YOUR LOSS

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You first need to take your time to heel from this horrible experiance that you are going through. It is like a nightmare that you want to wake up from. My heart goes out to you and you fiance. In time you will make the choice to get another bird.(when the time is right for you). There is no hurry in choosing another one. In time the echoes of him will fade and you will be at peace with it. You lost a family member and this will take time to get over no dought.

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I too am soooo sorry about your rafiki. This is not a good first experience with a grey, but don't forget if your bird had cancer or something it's very unusual and not likely another one will get it. So why not try adopting a grey who needs a home? Many of the rescue places for birds have Congo greys up for adoption and you already know so much about how to care for one. You can google for bird adoptions in your area. Please don't forget the little birdies who would love to do their best to replace litte rafiki for you, who can't be replaced but they may make it easier for you. Besides you already have a cage etc. Think about it. Best wishes!

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I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Rafiki.


You have my and my Wifes condolences at this time of great sorrow and loss.


No words can make the initial pain go away, as we all know. Only some time spent mourning, remembering the joy he brought into your life and also the joy and love he received from you.


May God grant you peace, quietness and love during this time of loss.

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yankeesfan81 wrote:

Well we received the phone call today. Rafikki passed while they were performing his endoscopy to see if he had an obstruction in his throat and trachea. While they were doing the procedure his heart started to slow and they gave him adrenaline and it didnt help.

They are going to do an autopsy to find out why and they will let us know.


Thank you all for your prayers.


RIP Rafikki 1.5 yrs old








Post edited by: yankeesfan81, at: 2007/11/28 21:20<br><br>Post edited by: yankeesfan81, at: 2007/11/28 21:20




I am SO sorry for you :( :( :(

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I just today came upon this thread and read from beginning to end. You came to this site for advice because you thought Rafikki might be getting sick, took him to the vet, went through a couple of days of speculation and waiting for the results, then the terrible news. I feel like I know you and Rafikki just from these few posts, and my heart goes out to you and your fiance for your loss. Birdmom had some wise words for you, I think. Don't act too quickly. Take some time to grieve, then consider honoring Rafikki by giving a home to a homeless African Grey.



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