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Mr. Loverman


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Huey has really taken to my wife.  Actually he thinks she is his wife and that I need to be evicted (he's tried on several occasions).  He has started calling her by the name I and her mother (originally) use for her - "Belle".   Huey says "Belle" exactly like I say it, only he usually gets a response, I usually get ignored?!?

We like to think of Huey as a public figure around here.   He performs a very important community function that we call "Lunches with the Ladies".   He has a certain call that he makes whenever there is a female around.  I'll have to get it on video someday, it's really cute.  Whenever his kitchen staff (me) is busy getting a tray of delish ready, he's busy calling all his ladies to his important community function - Lunches with the Ladies.  And as most of you know, we are living in the "me too" era where men are getting busted left and right for inappropriate behavior, well, it has happened here too.   It has been found out that Lunches with the Ladies is merely a pre-cursor for spooning with the ladies..  How inappropriate!




Huey busted, caught in the act, spooning with a lady after one of his community events:



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Oh that Huey is quite the Casanova! What a sweetie he is (well, to the ladies at least).  HRH Inara hates to miss a "meeting." Whenever Joe and I are together in another room, it's not long before we here her wings flap or her little feet on the wood floors, making her way to the "meeting" and no doubt a bit miffed that she did not get the memo! :D

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