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I have a question on pictures


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I dont know why I cant load pictures on this forum will somebody please explain what I must be doing wrong. I resize the picture and it still tells me that the resizing thumbnail has failed. I cant figure it out for the life of me. Quite frankly I am getting alittle agravated over all this PLEASE HELP. I want to post pictures also in the photo room. I cant even put pictures in my profile. So if you have any knowledge of this please pass it on to me.

THANKS MARIO(Ziggy) 100_5362.jpg

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Hi Ziggy - You Wrote: "I re-size the picture and it still tells me that the resizing thumbnail has failed"


Where are you re-sizing the "Thumbnail" at and secondly, why are you resizing a thumbnail? It is best to start with the original photo, then open it in your editor, re-size it down to a width of 500 maximum and then "Save As" and name. then use this new downsized photo to upload to the forum Topic you are posting in.


The path look correct to your photo, but it appears their is something wrong with the image file itself.


Another way to go about this, would be to upload your photos to Photobucket.com. Then copy the link their and paste it into your post using the (http;\\WWW.PHOTOPATH.COM) String, with out the parenthesis I put around to stop it from providing a false link.

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