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Congo or Timneh


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Hello and welcome to the family, Lilkk25, glad you could join us.


Why should it matter which one you get, they both make fine companions, just mainly differences in their looks. If you want a grey you will have to decide for yourself which you want and it depends on what you are looking for in one.


I personally have a Congo as do a lot of the members here and also some have a Timneh and a few have both. There is not a lot of difference between them.


Maybe we should ask you a few questions to be able to help you determine which you prefer. Do you have any other birds now? Do you have any other pets besides birds? Do you have children, a spouse? We would like to help you but first you need to be sure you are ready for this lifetime committment.

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I have had many birds before, and I have wanted a grey since I was little. As of right now, I have a Sun Conure. But the only reason I am asking for advice is because I have heard that Timnehs are as good talkers as Congos. So I was just wondering.

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In my opinion, they are both good talkers, of course you know that talking is not guaranteed, a few do not ever talk, but most do.


It is just your decision whether you want the bright red tail or the horn colored beak, that is the main difference and usually the Timneh is slightly smaller.


I also have a sun conure, aren't they just like little clowns, I love mine, her name is Sunny.

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Welcome lilkk25 !!


Judy has given you great advice and it is good you have been doing research and now asking Grey owners questions.


The most important advice I can add, is to let the Grey pick you. Whether it be a TAG or CAG. You will know when that moment happens :-)


They are both wonderful species of AG's.

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That's great advice from DanMcQ. Greys have personalities just like people so letting the Grey select you is just as important as you selecting the Grey. Spend some time with multiple Greys to see how you get along with each of them. It's also good to have multiple visits before making your decision because most Greys are tentative around new people.

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AFter a quarantine period (30 to 45 days, usually), you can keep the birds in the same room, separate cages of course. It's best not to let them have physical contact, since they may fight and you could have a bird injured. Often, parrots do not get along, and it's up to us to keep them safe. However, even if they don't become friends, they still enjoy having another bird to watch and listen to, and it is company for them.


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Well of course they are going to get to know each other but the quarantine period is necessary in case one of the birds harbors a disease or infection of some sort. My Josey and Sunny are in separate cages in the same room but I have to keep them separated when they both are out, they don't like each other, the conure especially, jealous little floozy.

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Hello, likk25. On the TAG or CAG question -- I was sure I was going to get a CAG, but when I met this little TAG I couldn't resist him. A couple of plus points to the TAG -- I'm fairly petite, and the TAG doesn't weigh as much as the CAG's I've met, making him more comfortable to carry on my hand/arm. Also, he seems a little more sociable. Although he isn't particularly friendly to anyone but me (and only to me when he feels like it and I DO have to watch for those sucker punches when he pretends he wants a head scratch but really is just luring my unsuspecting hand in for a bite), he isn't traumatized by new things and people and places the way I've heard CAG's can be. I'm new to the breed as well, so I may have formed the wrong ideas about CAGs, these are just some things I've read and heard.

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