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Holiday Insanity


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Ziggy's post got me thinking...

How do you all cope with the Holidays this time of year? Does anyone else find it stressful like I do? We're here for each other the rest of the year, let's help each other get through what (let's face it) can be a trying time. What do you dislike about the holidays? Also, please say what you love ... I don't want to be a total Grinch here!

I'll go first - What I don't like is how materialistic my son is. He has some pretty high expectations, and my husband goes right along with it. I swear, he's convinced our little guy will have the worst Christmas ever if we don't take out a second mortgage buying elaborate, expensive presents. I just got done trying to tidy up my basement, and it's a joke! There are what seems like thousands of toys down there that my son never plays with. We have two (count 'em, two) telescopes that we never use. With one, I can remember trying to use it, but we couldn't figure it out. Anyway, wow I kinda got off on a rant there. My goal in life is to convince these two that material things are NOT the key to happiness. If that were true, with all the stuff we have packed into this house, we should be positively giddy! :)

What I love about the holidays are the lights, the music, the get-togethers, the food! Oh yeah, the food! Though I was raised Catholic, I'm not currently what you'd call super-devout (I consider myself a Christian). So, yes, I love that we're celebrating Jesus' birthday, too.

I look forward to seeing what you all love/hate about the holidays...

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Being materialistic is high up on my list of dislikes also, a lot of people think the more it cost the more you must love them.


I like the lights and decorations of Christmas but the getting together with family is the best part. I love the time we spend with the children and grandchildren during Christmas and the thing that brings me the most joy is watching them open their gifts. The delight on their faces is priceless, they truly are God's precious gifts to Grandparents. We always get together on Christmas Eve and exchange our gifts and have a special meal.


Food is high on the list also, there are special cookies and other goodies that I make every year that the family looks forward to at Christmas.

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What I love? * Getting together with family. * Anything to do with the kids and their excitement. * FINALLY having a year where both kids just told santa they wanted one thing because they already have so much and he should give the rest to other kids...how did that happen? I love it! * And the food, glorious food! Yum Yum Yum.


What I don't love so much? * The pressure to find "just the right thing" gift for some people. I'm a horrible shopper and I would rather not do the "gift" thing except for kids. * Not having enough time to see everyone that I'd like to see. * Some family members drive me absolutely crazy...but who doesn't have some of that?


Quick funny story - we had guests (distant relatives not seen for at least a decade) for T-Giving dinner so my aunt thought we should act civilized and say grace. They asked "Who wants to say prayers"...no one said anything for a few seconds until my 6-yr old son blurted out, quite loudly..."Prayers!". Love my little goofball, but I can only imagine what the guests were thinking!


Happy holidays to everyone! I hope you get a ton of your "likes" and very little of your "dislikes"!



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I will be the total Grinch. I HAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTEEEEEEEEE holidays. Yep thats right all of em. I've got some good reasons for them to. One of the things that drives me the most batty is how soon the stores start putting the stuff out for the next holiday. I mean I swear before you know it they'll have their displays out for christmas in July. I also hate when I have to go to the store for something basic like sugar or laundry soap and EVERY line is packed with people and they all have a million things in their carts. I walked up to the express lane one day last year and this old bag has three count them three carts overflowing. She then proceeds to explain to the clerk that its ok cause its only five different items. Like five different types. Forget the fact she has thirty or more of each. The clerk just rolled her eyes and rang up the stuff. I wanted to scream. Also if never hear another christmas carol it will be to soon. Why is it that they think everyone likes that crap? People at work have learned not to even bother talking to me about the holidays. They really don't like the answers they get and I LOVE IT!!! Also what is it with people thinking you've got to get everyone and their brother something. Give me a break. If I get my girlfriend anything it will be a serious stretch. So why would I get something for some nephew I never see.


Probably the thing that upsets me the most is why do we need one or two stupid days a year to do something special for someone. If I want to give my gf a gift out of the blue for no apparent reason I will. I believe that she will appreciate it more that way than if she got it on Christmas because "she's supposed to." Maybe I'm wrong but hey it wouldn't be the first time.

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Hi Badkarma - You Wrote:"Probably the thing that upsets me the most is why do we need one or two stupid days a year to do something special for someone".


My Answer - We don't...thats NOT what this time of year is about.....


It is a special time of year that has existed for thousands of years in every religion and culture around the world.


The Majority of people DO observe this time of year.


All I can say, is the ones that don't appreciate the reasons for it. Should be respectful to the literally Billions of people that do observe them. As your co-workers respectfully do not include you in the conversations about it now that they know your feelings.

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Dislike - What Commercialism and it's message has taken away from the Holiday Season. It has tried it's best psychological driven tactics by using expert consultants over the years to turn our upcoming generations into the mind set of buy,buy,buy.


It has driven the message home that if you love someone, you will show it by purchasing lavish gifts. If You don't, you do not love your spouse or children etc.


It is up to every generation to pass on our values and morals to the next. Always remember, they are only one generation away from extinction and loss.


Likes - The love, family time, great meals with good conversations, remembrances, acquaintance renewals, reunions and all the things we value the most in life our Family and friends.

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Thanks for the replies, guys!

BadKarma - I gave you some good karma for your honesty.

Lisa - thanks for your reply - especially the funny from your 6-yr old. And congrats on raising unselfish children!

Judy - you're helping me get into the spirit, now!

Dan - have you ever considered running for a public office of some sort? Even your "signature" quote makes so much sense, and would appeal to so many people...


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Yeah that Dan sure has a way with words, maybe he should give Arnold a run for his office, you think!!!!!


These are some good replies, and even the Grinch, Badkarma has his good points, I especially like that he would give his girlfriend a gift at anytime for no apparent reason, that is showing real love in my opinion, and for that I give you karma.:kiss:

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Laurie - You Wrote: "Dan - have you ever considered running for a public office of some sort? Even your "signature" quote makes so much sense, and would appeal to so many people..."


Well thank you :-) No, I haven't actually. But I would like to see people with common sense, good morals and the interest's of "We the People" get into the running, rather than the rich or already Governmental "Good Ol Boys Club" and make good sound decisions that benefit ALL, not just the generous, bribing large corporations wanting to ensure their bad products and philosophies are continued no matter the damage and ill affects they have on us all and this planet.


Also, I would not go to War in a Country because "They wanted to harm my Daddy"......but claim I am protecting us from "Weapons of mass destruction" ;)


But hey, if you want to write DanMcQ in on the Ballot, I'd appreciate it :P

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Dan and everyone else thank you for understanding. Also Dan I took what you said to heart. I'll still be the Grinch but maybe alittle less vocal about it. I took a step back and thought you know I have a right to be a grinch and they have a right to be cheerful and into their little day. I don't like that their right to be all into it, ie they have the right to listen to carols, interferes with my right not to. So obviously I wouldn't want my right not to to interfere with theirs. Karma

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Thanks for considering other options MadKarma :-)


You summed it up nicely by stating that both have the right to their own beliefs and each should respect and be sensitive to the others.


An example - We have a Jehovah's Witness that not only disdains these Holidays, but anything to do with every holiday we observe in the USA. They hold the same disdain for Holidays and National observances of every Country of the World.


To accommodate that persons beliefs, we do not include them in the plans announcing Potlucks or get togethers for other national observances or Birthday observances we have at work.


What we do for this person, is allow them to leave work for that time to use as they wish. :-)


It works out well for both and no one goes without compensation in one fashion or another.


Karma back at Ya!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/25 23:15

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Laurie, I don't know whether to laugh or cry, maybe I will do both, I am going to hate 2008, I am a poll worker and there are going to be primaries to have to work because it is a presidential election next year.


Lets just forget about that and get back to the holidays, bah humbug!!!!





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