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New to Birds, few questions


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Hi everyone!


Quick brief history, I know nothing about birds (ok did no nothing before aquiring one, have been doing research now). Any other animal, no problem. My husband on the other hand, birds are the one pet he knows, and he's wanted an African Grey since I've known him. About a month ago we were given the opportunity to share our home w/ 7yr old Timneh African Grey named Charlie. Sweet bird, well most of the time. ;) First night home, we was hanging out on his perch then out of the blue flew to my husband and perched on his head for over an hour. Next day, he allowed him to pet him, then started perching on my head and about day 3 would let me pet him. So his transition went very well, considering from what I read, Grey's don't like change very much. He was not clipped, and started taking short flights around the house, mostly to one of us, or just around the room. He seemed to not like leaving the living room.


A week after he came to us, I was in the master bath off my bedroom on the opposite side of the house. Well evidently Charlie didn't like being left alone that long, and the next thing I knew wings were flapping and dog was running (we also have 2 young children and a med-large sized mutt) Charlie found me and landed in a rush on my knee in the tub, and the dog came to a hault. Now, don't get the wrong idea, yes the dog was chasing the bird, but she would never harm him. I didn't honestly know that then, and I forgot to put Charlie in the cage while I went to bathe. Now when ever he ends up on the ground, the dog actually seems to stand guard from the kids for him. It's weird, they'll sit and taste eachothers noses. Anyways, not the point to this. I was just so suprised that he came to find me after a week. And all that day he hung out with me. Either on my shoulder (which was the first time, and pretty much the last time) while I was doing housework. He'd come to me when ever I called, etc. It just seemed we really bonded that day. Until that night....


My husband wanted me to take Charlie to a bird store. They a very well known Parrot store/breeder locally owned, been in business for over 20yrs. Considered the experts. He wanted them to check him over and have his wings, nails, and beak trimmed. The previous owners said he had never had his beak trimmed, I assumed he had his wings clipped before, but I didn't ask. I was uneasy about clipping his wings, but my husband assured me he'd still be able to glide, and he didn't want Charlie to get outside w/ the kids running in and out. Especially coming into our Michigan winters. (not to mention that's how he lost more than one bird as a child) So I took him. When they were done, I was walking towards them, abt 15 ft away and Charlie tried to fly to me, only to crash and burn. No gliding, nothing, straight head into floor. Every time he tries, same thing, still.


I feel awful!!! For the first few days afterwards, he wanted nothing to do w/ anyone, especially not me. He didn't even want out of his cage the first day. He eventually started climbing on the door and up to the top of his cage, then my husband was able to get him and put him on his perch. Now he just sits there. I'll open the cage in the morning, he won't come to me, he backs away nipping at me, so I let him come out to his own accord, then I'll move him to his perch. I try to interact with him, but he just backs away. Occasionally I'll get him to step up. And that is getting more frequent. And at night, after the kids are in bed, he'll want to be petted. Before his wings were clipped, he was eating any and all fresh fruits and veggies I offered him, eagerly. Now, he really wants nothing to do w/ them, just his bird food and the occasional treat. (But that might something to do more w/ the kids slipping him cereal or crackers, etc when I'm not looking)


So that's my story, and where I'm at w/ my fairly newly aquirred Grey.


I do have a a question, that I can't seem to find the answer for, how long will it take for his feathers to grow back? I am never taking him to have his wings clipped again! My husband agrees w/ me, even w/ his fear of him getting outside. We may reconsider latter, and much less clipping (even though I'm not sure how far back they clipped)

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It really depends upon how close he was to molting out (losing) those feathers that were clipped. If the clipped wings were new wings that had just grown in, it might take about a 6,7,8 mts or longer before a new set appears evenly. If they were ready to come out before you clipped, the time line would be shorter. Another reason they take long to grow out is because the flight feathers and the tail feathers are the only ones that periodically fall out one or two at a time and that can happen at any time of the year no matter what the weather is so growing back has an unknown time limit. No one knows when those flight feathers will fall out. The rest of a bird's feathers pretty much fall out at the same time of the year and immediately grow back quickly.


It sounds like the clip was a bit on the drastic side.


In the future, if you really have to have your bird clipped, go to an avian vet to have it done and before you do that, make sure that all the feathers have grown back in.


Some of the other things that you mention also happen to other bird owners ie. dogs and birds being friends. You've had him a short time, he's an adult bird with some set habits and only trial and error and time is gonna help you and hubby to learn those habits. In my opinion, you're very lucky. That bird doesn't sound like it has many serious problems. Always ask questions here about your bird and it's progress.<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/11/24 21:15

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It sounds to me like the clip was a little too much and also maybe it was the first time he has been clipped and if so that might explain his behavior afterward.


Being an older bird he is more set in his ways and he is mad now that his flight feathers are clipped and he can't even glide. How horrible for him to feel like a rock being dropped when he takes off to fly.


It seemed that Charlie had started trusting and bonding with you until now but I believe in time he will learn to trust you again, you need to give him lots of time and be very patient with him.


As for the dog, I am sure you believe that they are ok together but remember never to leave the dog and Charlie, when he is out of his cage, unsupervised for even the most friendliest ones can turn into disaster in the blink of an eye.


I know you gave us a great introduction here but why not make another one in the welcome room and tell us a little more about your family so we can properly welcome you to our family.

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To clip our birds, the best way is to cut 3 or 4 of the primary flight feathers, then check the bird's glide. They should not fall like a rock and can be injured that way (broken keel bone). Ideally they glide downwards, not getting any lift, but able to make a safe landing. If they maintain altitude or gain any, another feather or two off on each side and test again.


I went through the same thing - Kali was clipped way too severely just before being sent from the aviary. He fell straight down, scary, and it took so many months for his flight feathers to grow. GRRRR! Kali only needs 4 feathers clipped, and he's fine. I think he came with 7 clipped, way too many for a heavy-bodied Grey. Nothing you can do until they grow out.


Re the kids slipping the bird crackers or other junk food, maybe leave a small dish of sunflower seeds or cut up almonds, and allow them to give the bird one piece of those instead of junk food. It's really not good for your bird, and then he won't have the appetite for the healthy food.

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Thank you for your responses, I should have posted this in the Welcome room, I didn't intend my post to be a long introduction.


I just still feel so awful about the wing clipping. As we speak he's grinding his beak, looking over his shoulder giving me the evil eye. :dry: LOL


As for the dog, they aren't left together unsupervised. That one time was a slip up on me, and after she chased him to me, I was quite uneasy about them being around together. Even now w/ them getting along, I don't leave them unsupervised. If something happened, I would never forgive myself.


Ok, so how often to grey's molt? What are the signs? Just falling feathers? I'm assuming it's like when a dog blows it's coat, right? Because as of a few days ago, I'm constantly vacuuming lil white under feathers up (not sure of the technical name) I've only seen one larger grey feather fall, and that was the day after he was clipped.

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If he is grinding his beak then he is contented and they usually do that when they are going to sleep.


I believe they go thru a molt about once a year and you will see lots of feathers around his cage and the area around him, plus you will be able to feel the pin feathers. But there is always going to be some downy feathers lost but not like during a molt.

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Welcome Kek!!


Everyone has pretty much covered your questions with their great answers.


I am sorry to hear that they gave Toby such a bad Wing clip. It is certain that he was shocked when he fell the first time he tried to fly.


He has probably now lost some confidence and it will take time for him to adjust his mode of travel now and how he must now rely completely upon you and family for traveling beyond his cage.


As others have said, it could be upto a year before his primaries grow back in. It all just depends on when his last molt took place.


He sounds like a wonderful fellow with a BIG personality and is settling in nicely with You and Family.


We'll look froward to hearing more of his progress and of course, don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have. :-)

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