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Help! Poppy Was Injured


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Hi everyone, I feel like I am always popping in here only when there is an urgent reason...I apologize. Last night, Poppy flew down stairs and into a wall or door. When we got her upstairs, there was blood dripping from inside her mouth.

It did stop but I cannot tell where it was coming from. All day today she has been lethargic and seems to not be able to move around her cage as easily because she just stays on the perch we put her on. I offered her water but she didn't want any, even after eating a good amount of peanut butter and not having any all day. She ate a tiny bit of oatmeal and that is it other than the peanut butter (her favorite).

I am worried but am hoping she is just sore and will recover without a massive vet bill. Thoughts?

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Could be a concussion.  I don't know if you're on Facebook, but there's a group on there called Parrot First Aid.  They're excellent at giving first aid advice.  Might be worth joining and asking them.  I know with a concussion you don't treat with heat because that can cause additional swelling, but that's about all I can remember.

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