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Christmas is almost here


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Hello to the whole grey forum. I have not been on this forum long but I feel that we have bonded very well. This is a on-line family that we have and it is great to talk and to debate with all of you. With the Christmas holiday nearing this is a great post for all of us to express our warmest holiday greeting toward eachother.Lets please not forget about those little spoiled BRATS we have. We must not forget to get them new toys and treats for there stocking. Happy holidays to all of you. Weither you are christan,jewish,or any other faith I would like to say HAPPY Holidays. Please lets also take time to pray for the TROOPS and their families, this is a rough time for both. Please keep them close to your heart and wish them a safe and speedy return. This is a very special holiday the birth of our Lord Jesus, keep him in your heart as well and he will always keep you in his. Ziggy says Happy holidays as well as the whole zoo here.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/24 20:50

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Thanks for starting this Topic Ziggy.


It is the time of year, that everyone around the world starts reflecting upon the events that took place over the last year. This is not just by one religious group, but by many religions and even just traditions, depending mostly on where humans are located around the world.


Some reflections bring much joy and some, much sorrow. Through it all though, we learn and grow, hopefully. Some of us reached goals we set for our selves last year. Some of us accomplished things we never dreamed of, much less set as a goal.


The most important thing though, that one could have achieved, is to have made a difference. This could have been in someones life, a creature of the Earths life or something that made the Earth more healthy through environmental contributions. Perhaps you even accomplished all of them!


I know, I am thankful for the friends gained on this Forum and the support we offer each other as a whole. Where one of us is weak, another is strong. Where one is inexperienced, one has experience. Where one lacks knowledge, another has the knowledge. It is through this, that we have a cohesiveness through a common ground, our Greys and other Parrots we so dearly love.


So, I thank you all for being here and contributing to all our individual, collective, and yes our Greys well being.


Most of us are here for our first year together. I must say it has been a great 6 months here for me and Kim, and of course Dayo and Jake. :-)


I look forward to bringing in the New Year with you all and wish all a wonderful holiday season!!

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I don't know whether I have made any difference in anyone's life but I know that the members here on this forum have made a huge difference in me since I joined in May. I count myself lucky to have found this forum and made so many special friends here, I am truly blessed.


We have shared good times and bad times here but the important thing is that we shared the time with each other and we can count on one another to be there with whatever help is needed when asked.


This has been one heck of a ride and I for one do not want it to stop so lets continue to share our lives with one another for together we can accomplish anything and everything.


I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season:kiss:

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Dan wrote:

I know, I am thankful for the friends gained on this Forum and the support we offer each other as a whole. Where one of us is weak, another is strong. Where one is inexperienced, one has experience. Where one lacks knowledge, another has the knowledge. It is through this, that we have a cohesiveness through a common ground, our Greys and other Parrots we so dearly love.


WOW Dan! You stated this perfectly. I am very proud of your entire post, proud to be your friend, and proud that you are a member of our moderator team . :)


Happy Holidays Everyone

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:blush: Thanks Penny, I just wrote what I feel. :-)


Judy - I know I can personally say, YOU have made a difference. Through your devotion to this forum, the great care and concern for others and of course your wonderful sense of humor. Thank you for being you :-)

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