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taking sandy out of her cage


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sometimes it is easier than others but most of the time she will hold onto the back of her cage . never struggling or pulling away . i have been told once u give a request to her dont back down follow through but if she doesnt want to come out should i leave her there . i really want to spend time with her but am lost on what to do .

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Hi Cowgrls,


Does she run to the back of the Cage first when you open the Cage to get her to step up?


If not and she has stepped up and is just hanging on to the bars, but not pulling away, she may just not trust your hand as a perch yet and needs to feel safe and secure that your hand is steady before she releases her hold on the bars.


Just sit with your hand supporting her and talking to her gently letting her know you've got her. She should calm down and release the bars with just a very small amount of pull towards you. If she hangs on intently, just sit there with her on your hand for a while. Then remove it and close the cage.


See if she will let go and come out the next time you try the step up. :-)


A week is a short amount of time for to have full trust in you yet.

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If you want to develop a trusting relationship with your bird, please do not force the step up. That does not build trust. If she has fear of you or your hands, take it slowly, offer treats by hand, let your hand sit quietly on a perch while talking to her. If she pulls away, respect what she is telling you - she is not ready for the next step. Take your time, it will happen. Think positive reinforcement, nothing negative, and she will come around!


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thanks guys . no she is not running to the back of her cage . if she is sitting on her perch that i placed back there is the only time i have the problem with her . i will keep trying and let u know how it goes i know that a week is not long enough for trust but i was afraid i might be doing something wrong and didnt want to hinder gaining her trust . i will try wat u all have suggested . once again thanks

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When I want Klaus out, I just open the door and he comes out ("out" is definitely better than "in" - in Klaus' opinion). We've had Klaus since July, though so he's very comfortable.

You could try just opening the door & see if Sandy comes out on her own.

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we moved her cage to do some serious cleaning from all the flinging of random things and we realized were she had her cage she wasnt comfortable the problem has since gone away . her cage was in a kind of half corner and i think she might hav felt alittle cornered . but all is well now but am still following advice i want her trust and am sure some of it was me as well . thanks to all

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Guest briansmum

glad to hear you seem to have found a solution to the problem. sometimes it is something as simple as cage placement. keep us updated :)

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