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Falling off perch at night while sleeping


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There are many reasons for this occurring including lack of calcium and metal toxicity, we are not vets here so my best guess is have her seen by an avian vet but in the meantime place her perches low and pad the bottom. Please let us know what you find out and I hope she is going to be fine.

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Thank You for that info.. Also since I unexpectedly inherited her. I have been having a hard time getting her to eat veggies Ive tried and retried different kinds of recommended safe for her to eat but she's really picky. Also Im unsure what the best brand of pellets I should get her. The huge container of pellets that came along with her is about gone and I dont even know the brand name or what they are made from, but they smell fruity. I sure would appreciate any helpful knowledge I am surely lacking here...Im a newbie to the avian world..I was told a seed diet is unhealthy for her but she refuses to eat much else..Im open for ideas and advice I want to learn how to take good care of her.  :)

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My grey readily eats Harrison's High Potency pellets so I provide them for her at all times. You can offer vegetables in various ways, sometimes they will eat one cooked and another one raw, or maybe one in little strips and another one mashed, experiment with various ones to see which she may prefer. Some make chop which is different kinds of vegetables with the addition of some grains and or rice and beans to make a mixture that when they eat one thing out of it they are actually getting some of the more beneficial portions, it is chopped up and mixed all together.

Please do read thru various threads here for lots of ideas of what you can offer her but yes an all seed diet is very unhealthy, do not be discouraged if she doesn't eat her vegetables at first, sometimes it takes a while if they haven't had them in a long while but one day she might actually eat some and find she enjoys it. 

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