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Well K-Pax is home now ))) or Boo Boo


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Hello every one , I went and got K-pax yesterday. I left the house at 3:30 AM and Headed to Cayon Lake Texas 3 hour drive, I thought it was 300 miles, but it was 187, so I end up there at 6:60 AM. It was a long 2 hour wait being there 2 and 1/2 hours early, I didnt want to knock on the door and wake folks I dont Know or Know ). A nice old man and his wife were the breeders, real nice folks. The house was a 900,000 dollar looking house. Hmm Someone said their was no money in breeding birds. Who said that? He spent 2 hours with me talking and showing me the bird. I think he and his wife went well out of their way to make me feel comfy with the bird. On the way home K-pax or Boo-Boo. I love that name Boo-Boo ) Lol I think I want to call him Boo Boo, After I read a post by someone that has a parrot by that name. Well anyway on the way home in the pick-up truck he kelp himself all the way over on my side and was checking me out. I had a sheet over the cage to block on coming cars so he would only have a side view. He was a happy boy all the way and even put up with me stoping once an hour for a cig. Boo Boo dont smoke ). He`s in the other room as I type this e-mail trying to destory all the toys. He seems like a happy guy and will take a litte bitty seed from my fingers oh so carefull. He will not step up yet, but I dont think its going to be a problem. He loves the veggies and is eating some pellets and he has No problems with the seed. I just cant let him eat too much. I just got the book "Birds for Dummies" and I think I like it best.

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hobby. I personally don`t know ayone who got rich breeding parrots. Glad you don`t smoke near him though. Don`t forget to wash your hands after you smoke so as ot to get nicotine oto his feathers when you preen him, and he doesn`t get it in his beak off your fingers. Yuk.

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