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new grey owner

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i was very excited to find a grey forum . i just got sandy abaout a week ago . i had wanted a grey for along time and have tried to get as much info as possible . i will probaly have alot of questions . i know i do already but i just wanted to say hi to everyone before i started shooting off a bunch of questions . i hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving and look foward to learning as much as i can to help sandy have a wonderful life with our family .

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Hello and welcome to the family, Cowgrls, glad you could join us and congrats on your new grey. We look forward to hearing more about you and Sandy. You said you got Sandy about a week ago, is she a baby grey or an older one?


Please read thru the many threads here on various topics for lots of useful information and ask us any specific questions you may have. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


Is Sandy the first parrot you have owned? I am sure you are finding out that greys are awesome creatures and a lifetime committment. Do you have any other pets in your household? Excuse me for asking some questions, but it helps to get to know you better.


If you have a picture of Sandy that you would like to share with us, we would love to see her, we love photos here as I am sure you can tell.

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sandy is 16 weeks old .as my husband likes to call it we hav a farm , but we dont live on one . we have 2 dogs ,1 rat ,1 rabbit , 1 hermit crab and now sandy . i owned a parrot about 10 years ago . yes she is alot of work but i love her dearly and i think our pitt bull is now scared of her since the day we got her she dive bombed him . i am slowly trying to get everyone used to each other . any suggestions would be great .<br><br>Post edited by: cowgrls101, at: 2007/11/23 23:52

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LOL, Cowgrl, it seems that Sandy put the pit bull in it's place, but just take time in introducing all the animals to her. My advice is never leave Sandy out when the dogs are in the same room, you never know what may happen, dogs will be dogs and close supervision is key to keeping everyone safe and sound.

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