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Hello fellow grey lovers,

I am new to the forum and am excited to communicate with other interesting parrot owners! I have a Congo that is about ten years old and his intelligence never ceases to amaze me. However, I am thinking of purchasing a dog and am not sure how he will react to a canine companion. Has anyone had any experience with this? avatar.jpg


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Many parrot owners have dogs or other pets. Obviously it's important to be very careful in supervising, and keeping them completely separate when you're not around. We have three dogs and three parrots, and it works out fine. I do train my dogs well that the parrots are part of the family.


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Hello and welcome to the family, Lyndaelyzoo, glad to have you join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey.


Your grey is 8 years old, have you had him since he was a baby and what is his name? I am just curious and it helps to get to know you better.


We have many threads here on various topics that hold a wealth of information, but you probably already know most of it since you have a mature grey. But if you do have specific questions you would like to ask, we will do our best to answer and help you in any way we can.


As already stated, we have lots of members who have dogs, cats, and numerous other pets that do co-exist in the same house, it is just a matter of proper supervision when your grey is out of the cage to ensure that nothing happens to your grey or the other pet.


I see from the picture you included in your first post that you do have a wonderful looking bird that adores you I'm sure. :P

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I have been owned by my parrot, Brutus (I did not name him), for about eight years and adopted him from an avian vet clinic where I used to work. He was kept in the boarding room along with lots of other birds, and never really got out of his cage before. I knew that he was the one I wanted when every time that I left the room he would say bye bye and then he would ask me if I wanted to scratch his neck while he scratched his neck. I couldn't believe it! When I brought him home, he said "welcome home". He says "What kind of bird are you? and then he answers "African Grey". He whistles Beethoven's fifth symphony usually on command, says "I love you, Give me a kiss, Whats up boy?, What are you doing? and on and on...I guess my main concern with getting a dog is that Brutus has been my only pet in the house for eight years, so was unsure how he might adjust to having a canine companion. Thanks for everyone's advice. :)

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I am glad that you have such a big heart to take in Brutus and it sounds like he picked you first, he knew you would be a good mom to him and I am so glad he has a wonderful home with someone who adores him.


He sounds very smart, but then aren't they all, but he seems to understand what he is saying and says it in the appropriate time frame.


I think if you handle it right Brutus and a new dog can co-exist in the same house, just be careful to always supervise anytime Brutus is out of his cage and never leave them alone together.


Be sure to let us know if and when you do get a dog, we would like to know what you get and how it goes with the introduction of a new pet.

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