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Sorry for the long delay in following up. We chose the pet shop bird. His name is Pete and he is doing just great. We had to keep him in a relatively small cage while awaiting the big one. Just as he got over the new cage anxiety, we had to start all over. But he has adjusted without problem. He's extremely social. He quickly warms up to new faces in the house (frequent). Whistles that could pierce stone walls. In a small voice he either says no or hello. He makes that loud clucking sound when he wants attention. We're working out his food preferences (thanks to all the great info on this site). Getting a bird was my idea, but my wife (a house rabbit person) has gone crazy over Pete. She sits and talks to him, scratches his neck and head--the rabbits are getting green with envy about now. I know this is the honeymoon, and issues will pop up. But off to a good start anyway. I'm sure I'll have questions as time goes on.

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Congrats on getting Pete and glad he is doing great. Thats wonderful that he is being social to frequent visitors and your wife has taken a liking to him, so long as she does not ignore the rabbits. LOL


I'm sure you will have questions and when you do just post them and we will try and answer as best we can. In the meantime enjoy your new member of the household and get us a picture of Pete if you can, we would love to see him.

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