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My Sammy stopped eating


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I am sorry if it seems that we are badgering you about taking Sammy to the vet, we only have his best interests at heart.


Thanks for further explaining his troubles and I realize now that you have done pretty much all you can do for him. I do hope that the holistic vet can help Sammy to live a more comfortable life so you can enjoy many more years of his love and companionship. You have certainly gone above and beyond to help your little loved one and I hope you can forgive us for thinking you were not doing all you could for Sammy. I hope the visit goes well.

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No problem, Sammy is a very happy bird considering what he's been through. He's a character all right. He get's lots of love in our home. He stayed at his previous home for 2 years after his companion died and nobody ever picked him up. There were no more men left in the house (because he died) and Sammy does no like women. The vet said his life would be shortened somewhat but we don't worry about that, we just focus on today. Thanks

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I would like to just take a moment and commend you and your devotion and love for Sammy. I know many people claim they will do anything for their Grey, but actions speak much louder than words and you have shown this love greatly through your sacrifices of time, some freedom from home and monetarily large layouts.


You set a fine example for others taking on the ownership and responsibility of a new baby or a rescue. :-)


Sammy would never have had the life he does now, if were not for you.


Stories of this nature, that display a successfully rescued or adopted bird thriving are wonderful to hear.


Thank you for sharing this with us.


Please continue to give updates on how Sammy continues to thrive, play and love. :-)

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Yes please keep us updated on Sammy and if I had the power I would give you lots more karma, now that I have mentioned it, hopefully some of the other members will give you some, you certainly deserve each and every one of them.


I don't think you ever introduced yourself in the welcome room, why don't you take a few minutes sometime and do that, we would love to know a little more about you and Sammy.:)

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