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My Sammy stopped eating


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Everything has been fine up until today, he hasn't eaten anything. I just did hand feed him some warmm peas and pasta. He ate all his pasta and a few peas. I'm thinking about taking him to a vet but what can a vet do except take blood and check for bacteria in his stool. I was thinking of going to get some Exact baby formula he usually likes that. Sammy is 17 years old and normally has a great appetite. Any Ideas? If he needs to go to a vet, I better bring him now, tomorrow's a holiday.

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You just gave conflicting comments, he hasn't eaten anything, yet he did eat most of what you hand fed him. How is he acting otherwise, if that is normal then I would not worry too much about it. But if he is acting different then a visit may be in order, and if he is sick then the vet could give him some meds to take care of it. I would go with your gut instinct.

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Hello sammygray,


Have you had Sammy for most of the 17 years? If this is a recent and drastic observation I would try and get to a vet. However, there are many things that could affect appetite on a short term basis. How do his droppings look? Normal? Do you have any weight data to see if there has been a significant change? There are a lot of questions that could help determine the problem. I do not beleive we have any vets as members, so there is no substitute for a professional opinion.

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I have had Sammy for 4 years, he came from another family for previous 13 years. His companion died and I got him. For the most part he fit right in. 2 months ago my lovebird got near or in his cage and Sammy killed him. It took me a couple of days to understand and I'm pretty much am OK now. It was tough for me to get close to him for a few days as I was pretty upset. My mom who is usually home just started working again and I have been pretty busy myself so I only really spend long quality time w/ Sammy in the evenings. I thought about my mom's and my schedules and maybe he doesn't like it home without anybody home. I do have another bird Jeffrey, he's a senegal. he's in the same room with Sammy. His dropping look normal. A little watery but this isn't uncommon due to the fruit he eats. No weight change lately.

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Sorry to hear of the lovebird loss. That is an unfortunate reality that can happen.


Its a tough call you need to make on the level of urgency regarding sammy's eating. If this is just from today, he may have an upset tummy or just not be hungry. Is his attitude and general energy level seem normal? Does he look lethargic with puffed up feathers? These are some signs to look for. If there has not been a weight change (do you weigh regularly?) that is a good sign. Again, only you can decide if a vet trip is needed. I hope things will be fine and chances are that they will, but nothing is ever guaranteed.

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Do you have a relationship with an avian vet? Maybe a phone call to discuss your observations? If the crop is full but he has not eaten much there "could" be something blocking it. But there could be many things. Keep us posted on what you do/find out. I hope everything turns out OK. Other members may chime in here, but it ultimately is a judgement call you are going to need to make regarding what action to take. Its really tough w/o seeing sammy and knowing his personality etc to try and judge the urgency level.<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/11/21 21:08

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Depending on the scenario, it can mean they dont feel well. Sometimes they puff up to show happiness or content. But if they are lethargic and sort of sitting off puffed up this can be a sign of illness. You need to read their body language and you have clearly indicated he does not seem to be himself. Sounds like something is going on.

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no, there's no blockage on either end:laugh: . his crop was empty until i hand fed him some pasta and peas. now it's full. I gave him a very light bath with Aloe juice and water and he seemed to enjoy that. i already cancelled all my appts. today and I will stay with him and let him poop on my shoulder for the rest of the day.

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My personal opinion is always better safe than sorry. I know it gets expensive, but with tomorrow being a holiday, I'd take Sammy to the vet. You dont' want a holiday tragedy and/or to have to pay the emergency care costs vs. a regular office visit. Most of us have a solid gut instinct about our birds, pets, kids etc. and if you don't have a real strong gut instinct one way or the other, then I'd go to the vet.

Sending positive thoughts and prayers Sammy's way!!

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I have a clue about what may be bothering Sammy. He can't move his upper jaw! I have been hand feeding him off and on all afternoon. He eats, only in small bites. I do have to tell you more about Sammy's history. He was born with runny nares. Ever since he was 10 days old, he has had a runny nose. I took him to a specialist 2 years ago and after surgery and several nasal flushes he's still the same. I had to stop the flushings because they were too traumatizing to him. He may have another infection up there. I can't see any severe swelling or any abnormal signs except he is disharching in both nares when usually it's just the right side. There is no blood and that was pretty common when he got flushed out, which hasn't been flushed for over a year now. He may have fallen and hurt himself. He does like to play dug on the beak with me but I don't think we got that rough. I will bet it's an injury to his upper jaw bone, soft tissue probably muscular. Any ideas you vets out there. I would appreciate your help.


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Sammy ate alot of creamed rice and is feeling better. It is definately a problem with his upper beak movement. Put Sammy to bed. There was a typo in the last message. Sammy likes to "tug" back when I tug on his beak. The typo was "dug". I feel embarrased, You all were probably thinking, what the heck is this guy doing to his gray "dug"ing on his beak. Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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Don't be embarrased about a typo, we all do that from time to time, but what concerns me is Sammy and if he has a problem with his beak it needs to be looked at as soon as possible. Keep us updated on this, we care. You have a good Thanksgiving too and hope to hear better news tomorrow.

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I will keep a close eye on him tomorrow. I think the best thing was NOT to take him to the vet today. The vet wouldn't of caught the beak symptom. You would of had to watch him climb, eat and behave around his cage and if I would of brought him today my regular vet wasn't even there which is why I decided to wait until Friday if needed. Today was a good observation day so I'm glad I took off work to be with him and just watch and learn. And learn I did. Sometimes we (bird owners) just need to look closely at our birds instead of jumping in the car and going to the vet on a whim. I understand the importance of vetcare also. I will let you know how Sammy boy is tomorrow. Thanks for your thoughts. Have a good day tomorrow all!

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I wouldnt put off going to the vet. I too am a believer that "better safe than sorry" is the rule always.


I will never try to second guess a situation when it comes to medical problems. My pets health is first priority.


We have 6 birds,a cat and a dog. And, I have paid for vet visits when there has been nothing to worry about. But, that was well spent money cause it eased my mind knowing it wasn't a real problem.


They cant tell us how they really feel, so guessing isnt good enough for me. I wanna know for sure.


Please keep us informed on Sammy's progress. And, I'll keep you in my heart and mind.

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Sammy was born with a malformation near his pallet. There is a flap (I forget what it's called) in the roof of the mouth and Sammy's was formed improperly and doesn't function properly. The sinuses can't drain so it seems as though he always has a runny nose. When I aquired Sammy 3-4 years ago, I immediately brought him to the vet on the way home. That vet didn't know what to do so they referred us to Florida Vet Specialists in Tampa, FL. That's where all exotics and regular pets go for cancer and such. Sammy had surgery and several nasal flushes lasting 6 months. I spent over $4,000.00 and drove 360 miles round trip every week or 2 for 6 months. I had to stop the vet visits because it was stressing Sammy out to much and we (the vet and I) decided it's not worth risking seizures to have clear sinuses. So I know what it means to bring a bird to a vet and I know what they do and the tests they conduct. I recently found a holistic vet here in Naples and have an appt next Wed. As of now Sammy is back to his old self. He's eating (not as much as usual) but he's eating and has a full crop 3 times a day. I appreciate all the feedback and concern from all of you

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