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New study on yams for your bird


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Just found out that yams are a great source of vitamins.

You need to peel them and part cook them let them cool and you have a great treat for your little bundle of joy. Please make sure that you peel the potato there are some things that will hurt the bird in the skin.They have been known to harbor a virus on or just under the peal. Thus, its been suggested by the vets to be much safer to offer them peeled or if you find bad places in them to just toss them out.

Just gave some to Ziggy and he is eating it like he is going to the chair later on. He is in THANKSGIVING HEAVEN the brat!!!!<br><br>Post edited by: ziggy, at: 2007/11/21 05:35

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Nikko is so-so about sweet potatoes, but loves butternut squash. If you want avoid a big mess, hand feed little bits of it with your fingers. Nikko enjoys that little big of extra attention :). We also cook the squash seeds. They have a rather pungent odor, but Nikko considers them a delicacy.

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My birds love sweet potato they gobble it down its so high in vitimin a that I would never stop feeding it to them because of a little mess. all birds ae messy it comes with owning them. Squash is also good and turnip is another one that my birds love that is very high in alot of vitimins


Animation2-cd854bbdf299213fb3612360384f9ed9.gif<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2007/11/24 19:24

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If anyone has turkey or chicken leftovers from thanksgiving, take the bone out of the wing that has knuckles on either side .. Scrub the bone down and take away any grizzle that's on it.


Give the bone to your bird. Many greys enjoy eating the knuckles and the interior of the bone. The bone is loaded with calcium. Probably, your bird with chew the whole bone until it looks like dust.


This can be done in the future anytime you want to when having having chicken.


The only thing is to not use fried chicken wings. Baked or boiled chicken is perfect. I've given them to all my greys and also my quakers for years. They get excited as I approach them with the bones.<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/11/24 19:51

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I make Finnigan a sweet potatoe mash and feed it to him every night. It's sweet potatoes, cinnamon apple sauce and I put a little cinnamon sugar in it. He loves it!



Sweet potatoes are already sweet, no need at all for sugar. And actually sugar should not be any part of our parrots' diets. Just a warning for others who may take this suggestion to feed sugar to their birds. Not good, totally empty calories, and they are better off having healthy food choices. Just my opinion, after much study and reading about parrot nutrition.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I found out by mistake, I had this big bag of sweet potatoes I didn't cook for Thanksgiving here, so last week I had to peel and cook the whole darn bag or they'd rot. So, I decided to mix it with their food, since they get bored so easily and WOW that worked great! I can also hide the red palm oil in it since its the same colour LOL. Also put some calcium in there and some acidophilus powder. (i'm getting very sneaky)


So now we are all getting our Vitamin A :cheer: I'm down to just the last little bit of potatoes in my fridge. I find that the longer I have birds, the healthier I eat! I would never have eaten sweet potatoes all week long b4.

Thanks to the little birdies... ;)


Uh oh I've discovered the little emoticons over to my left. lol<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/13 09:43

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