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Chosen one?


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I have had my bird 2 weeks today and I am kind of stumped here about being able to tell who he has chosen.


Is there anyway of telling who the bird has made his chosen person? Im just wondering cause I think he may have chosen my wife. And, it would kind of made sense I guess his last owner of 3 years was a woman.


I'm hoping it is me but sometimes he seems more at ease with her. I mean he seems at ease with me too but in a different way. I guess only time will tell.


thanks so much,

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Time will tell Hannibal. I have had mine for 4 weeks and she seems a little more comfortable with me than my husband. They can change too when they reach their sexual peak. Well I don't know about peak but when they reach that breeding age. How old is your boy/girl? It's good he is going to both of you though. That is a good start.

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Makena is still a baby (7 months old). He loved everyone for about 3 months and then he chose my fiance. Believe me once he chooses someone you will know... He still loves me, just more as a chew toy... LOL!! Yah it is a bummer to not be the "chosen one" but at the same time I still love him to death. I am happy he loves my fiance so much... who knows, maybe some day it will switch :)

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Greeting Hannibal,


2 weeks is not long enough to determine who the favored human may be. It is possible that the bird will choose someone other than you, time will tell. Some people are devastated when the bird does not "choose" them and chooses someone else. You do need to be prepared for that possibility. The good news is that everyone can have a fulfilling relationship with the bird in the long run and the more time you spend building the bond the better the relationship(s) will be. In addition, the more people, places, things etc you expose the bird to the more well rounded it is likely to be and less likely to be a one person bird. B)

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His name is Edgar and he is 4 years old and he was first with a blind man for a little under a year and then he decided that the bird should be with someone that could give it better interaction. So he gave it to a woman who was a bird rescue person. She kept him for almost 3 years and she too was not giving him enough attention she thought so it would be nice to give him to someone that could give him the attention he needs. This is where I came in 2 weeks ago.


He will stepup for me easily once he is out of his cage and he gives me kisses constanly. I play with him everyday and try to interact with him as much as possible. When I am not around his cage he constantly makes whistling noises when I am around him he will chirp and play.


But, he constantly seems so interested what the wife is doing with her 5 parrots and he will step up for her even from inside his cage and he seems sometimes like he is less afraid of her but then again maybe i am just reading something out of nothing.

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Do you have regular interactions with the other birds you mention? Your new addition may be more at ease right now with your wife if he senses that your wife is more comfortable handling him? Just an idea.


Please keep us posted on how it goes and continue the efforts at building the relationship B)


Oh and by the way, kudos to you for rehoming a bird in need. :)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/11/21 05:47

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Two weeks is not long enough to be chosen as the favored one, but he obviously is more taken in by your wife at this point but it may not stay that way. Just keep interacting and doing what you are doing now and time will tell.


Thanks from me for rehoming an older grey, we have too many in need of new homes.:)

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Hi Hannibal,


Good questions. Only time will tell how close the relationship well become or who the "favorite" person will be as others have indicated.


The most important thing to ensure, is that you and your wife spend equal time taking care of him, feeding, cleaning, grooming etc.. So he knows that you both are his "Parents" and share all the duties of watching over him.


Our Grey, loves me to death, but goes bonkers when my wife comes in. She is his between the breast cuddling Mama that he just loves to lay and bury his head in her clothes and get scratches while drifting off to sleep.


I'm the rough house guy that takes him on adventures and scares the hell out of him sometimes with a new object or walking by a bush that he just knows is going to eat him. :-)


He loves me too and cuddles, scratches etc., but there is no doubt that my wife is his "Favorite". :-)


But one thing to remember is, their choosing of a favored, does not mean the other is the enemy. You are all one big flock that watches over, protects and loves one another. :-)

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wow hannibal i am happily envious of you and edgar! he sounds like one happy guy. my merlin is a rescue bird as well but didn't come from such happy and loving experiences as your edgar did. you are way ahead of me on the path! it is very encouraging to know that merl will not be stuck where he is at (well i intend for him to not be stuck where he is at anyway).


and everyone is right, as we are each different people, we will each have a different relationship with our companion animals. i'm the enforcer, and big daddy is the softy. even in our family, our grown children call us santa claus and the dragon queen. ha ha ha ha ha except for fraulein inga, all the critters love daddy best. i'm the utility person: cage cleaner, bowl filler, tray sifter & the like. big daddy ia All Fun And Games. ah well.


anyway good for you and edgar! i'm going to go back and read your other posts about him and perhaps learn something i can apply to ol' merlin.

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I didnt do anything special. And, for what seemed like an eternity, he didnt really seem to be coming around all that fast. But then, I am a pushy, hurry up guy myself, so I had to learn not to get in a hurry with these birds and that is still really hard. Sometimes he doesnt seem to want to come out to play cause he is still not totally comfortable, but I make him come out now cause he is not going to see that it is ok if he doesnt come out. So, he is starting to come around slow but sure and it makes me relax when I make even the smallest bit of progress.


I am sure Merlin will be fine and I would say be patient but that is so so hard for me to do too.


Let me know how he is doing.

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