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Am I doing something wrong?


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This morning I got Cosmo out he was fine, I played with him and pet him and put him on his play stand. He stayed up there for about 15 minutes, and I tried to give him a bath by misting him with a spray bottle. I sprayed him a couple of times and he backed away and I knew he didn't approve of it. So I stopped he then flew off his stand and glided down to the floor. I picked him up (he came to me) and I put him in his cage. I talked to him for about 30 min. went on here, went back talked to him again and he got next to me and started going to sleep. I let him nap then later I saw he was playing I tried to get him out to put him on his stand and he would put one leg up and grab his cage with the other. I thought okay he doesn't want out right now. I left him alone and went on doing homework came back an hour later he was eating I talked to him for a few minutes and tried again to get him out. He did the same thing. I left him alone and just sat beside him and talked to him. He was fluffing up his feathers (I heard that is a sign of being uncomfortable) so I left him alone again. Now I am wondering if I have done something wrong?

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Guest briansmum

fluffing up feathers is usually a sign of being content.. unless he was sat on the bottom of his cage? but if he was on his perch, he's eating, and playing in his cage normally then i would say he's probably just a bit annoyed at the misting and thinks if he comes out, you're going to do it again. don't worry he'll get over it. try opening the door and sitting a bit away with something he likes to entice him out.


is misting the only method of batheing you have tried?. i know they hate the water but they really do need a shower once in a while, you can't give in everytime he doesn't like something ;) best to get him used to it whil he is young.

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yeah i agree, mine doesnt like been misted he really hates it. so i went and bought a cat litter tray and filled it with tepid water i put it on a towel in the middle of the room and leave him to it although he doesnt get in it fully he loves to splash in it like a child in a paddeling pool he particully likes it if i play splashing also with my fingers he gets all excited !:silly:

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yeah i agree, mine doesnt like been misted he really hates it. so i went and bought a cat litter tray and filled it with tepid water i put it on a towel in the middle of the room and leave him to it although he doesnt get in it fully he loves to splash in it like a child in a paddeling pool he particully likes it if i play splashing also with my fingers he gets all excited !:silly:

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briansmum wrote:

fluffing up feathers is usually a sign of being content.. unless he was sat on the bottom of his cage? but if he was on his perch, he's eating, and playing in his cage normally then i would say he's probably just a bit annoyed at the misting and thinks if he comes out, you're going to do it again. don't worry he'll get over it. try opening the door and sitting a bit away with something he likes to entice him out.


is misting the only method of batheing you have tried?. i know they hate the water but they really do need a shower once in a while, you can't give in everytime he doesn't like something ;) best to get him used to it whil he is young.


No he was on his swing, this is his 3rd day at my house. I just want to make sure I'm doing every thing right so he loves me.

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I would wait a little while before misting him again. As everyone else has said greys don't like water and they can get mad at you for giving them a bath. My grey HATES getting wet and you would think I was killing him when I put him in the tub for a spray. Wait until you have a close bond before doing something that will tick him off.

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Guest briansmum

if he was on his swing and puffy then he's a happy little bird. i saw your video on youtube, you're doing well with stepping up and he seems to enjoy being with you. you're doing a great job.


BMustee is right, wait until you have a really strong bond before trying the misting again, in the mean time perhaps offer a shallow dish of water with some toys in and have a splash yourself :)

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I think given his reaction to the first misting, I'd wait a little bit until he gets to know you better. When the bond is there, then you can mist him and let him know it's just a part of life. But since he's been there such a short time, I'd take it slowly with the bathing at first. Just my opinion :)

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