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New grey owner have questions


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So I just got my grey Ruby Friday she has accepted me very well she does nibble and sometimes bite a little harder but I try not to react and I spend all my free time with her (several hours) daily she steps up to anybody but she tends to bite more aggressively toward my wife even to the point she will “chase” her all around the house and whenever she tries to pick her up she gets a good bite and she is now scared of the bird and I want them to get along. She has started wearing gloves could that contribute to the bites she’s getting? I just want to try to shut this down before it gets too bad

Ruby has began speaking to us repeating our words and singing us songs but only here and there.

side note: what does the coooing sound she makes a lot mean? 

Edited by Rubygrey
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Welcome and thank you! Gloves are definitely a no-no and there's a chance they will never accept them. Greys tend to pick out a human mate who can do no wrong and will tolerate others to some degree. Joe used to pick me when we first brought him home but he has switched to my wife Maggie who he will let do anything for him. I am now lucky if he lets me pet him. Greys are notoriously one person birds who tolerate others by basically ignoring them LOL....

Thinking back to ancient Greece, having a Grey now would be like having Plato as a roommate...A cooing sound is a sign of contentment and affection. Some Greys never shut up while others use words occasionally...Unfortunately, you cannot pick and choose...A funny fact: as Greys get older and they train you better, they learn how to abbreviate....Our Joe uses the phrase, "I want a good nut" to refer to anything he really likes, leaving us to guess, although Maggie has gotten pretty good at interpreting from the time of day, which treat he wants the most...LOL....

Suggestion about your wife, when Ruby is in her cage, have your wife sit near the cage, up to a couple of feet away when it is quiet, and have her read out loud to Ruby. It may take time but you must remember, Ruby can sense your wife's emotions and reacts accordingly. Your relationship is forever...

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