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My new grey ruby


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Once they lose the dark baby eyes and they become the mature ones like she has its hard to determine age but its a good guess, she is lovely. You can keep her happy by taking care of her every whim, give her a good diet, a big cage with lots of toys and loads of time out of cage to spend with you and your family. You can find lots of threads here in various rooms on what to feed and not feed, ideas for toys that may be from common things in your house because you don't have to spend a fortune to  entertain a grey, sometimes a simple box will keep them busy for a while. Looking forward to hearing and seeing a lot more from Ruby.

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Ruby seems to not like being petted she doesn’t mind you holding her but doesn’t want to be petted she also bites a lot not hard but I was wondering how can I discourage the biting and screeching?

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Most greys do not like being touched unless its by their chosen ones, for instance my grey will not allow me to rub her neck but will allow my husband to do almost anything with her for she has chosen him as her favorite person so you may have to settle for not getting to touch her much. She is biting because she is telling you she doesn't like what you are doing, you can't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do but you can learn to read her body language to avoid most bites. Not biting hard is giving you warnings but if you persist she may deliver one you will remember.

The wings will grow back and she may already know how to fly if allowed to fledge when she was younger but time will tell, allow them to grow back and leave them that way for they are birds and meant to fly.

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That’s good our ruby is great she loves dancing and whistles a lot and talks a little, I think we’ve given her a much much better home than she had and she is a happy girl now

Edited by Rubygrey
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What a wonderful parront you are...😊 Keep doing what you are doing. A little story: Joey, our Grey of over a decade, is still changing...So, always be prepared for surprises😉 You will love them all...

Side note: If your baby was not fledged, (you will find out the first time she tries to fly and flops), you can always place cushions on the floor. Also, the first time they fly after being clipped, their landings are anything but graceful...So, when the wings grow back in, clear the counters and be prepared to run to another room where they are hanging from curtains, etc. where they landed....hehehe....Can you imagine having 16 cockatiels, all fledging at once? Boy, did feathers fly...no puns intended...LOL 😋

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