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me is Jody and I am from Michigan


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Hello everyone, my name is Jody and my family and I will be bringing home a new CAG baby around the Christmas time this year. We are all very excited about our new family member. I have been studying and learning everything I can learn about Grays for quite some time now on this forum as a guest and from any materials I can find to read. I searched for a reputable avian vet in my area and contacted them for advice on finding a local breeder in my area. Come to find out, there is a good breeder only 30 miles from my house. We scheduled an appointment and spent all afternoon there over the weekend. We shose a CAG baby that is not quite ready yet to come home. This gives us time to prepare and gather all the things we will need for our new baby. I also have a wife, Cherie(won't tell), a American Eskimo(11) named Charlie, 2 cats named Tasha(14) and Tony(11) and 2 kids, Valerie(5) and Alyssa(3). I have always been interested in parrots of all kinds and I had a Yellow Headed Amazon as a kid. One of the things that I think will be interesting about raising a CAG myself and that may present me with some new challenges is that I am legally blind. What this will mean for me is probably that I will get the beak treatment a little more than most. I have accepted this fact and it will make it that much more important for me to do a good job of training acceptible behavior to the new baby. It will be essential that my bird allow me to touch them without being afraid and I will have to learn the bir's reaction by sound and movement. Even though I am blind, I have never let anything stand in my way before. I just learn to do some things a little different than other people. I plan to start blogging about my experiences on this forum and I will definetely be looking to all of you fine folks for advice and assistance. I will try to attach a pic of our new baby which we are naming Maui. I may have to shrink it down and re-post if it is too big. Look forward to some great new friends on this forum. Talk to you soon, JP


Post edited by: watchout, at: 2007/11/20 17:44<br><br>Post edited by: watchout, at: 2007/11/20 17:47


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Welcome Jody and you Family!!


What a great introduction of you, your family and your present animals. It sounds like you are off to a great start and being able to visit and let the Grey and You become acquainted is always when possible, as you have done.


If you are going to post and image in a topic, such as this, the maximum width should only be 500 Pixels.


We'll look forward to hearing more from you, especially since you are going to start a Blog, which is a great idea.


Again, Welcome!!

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Hello and welcome to the family, Jody, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you are planning to get.


I am sorry about your blindness but sure you can handle a grey as I am sure you do handle a lot of things, just in slightly different ways.


You are doing the right thing in reading up on all the material you can get and please do read thru our many threads for useful information. If you have any specific questions you would like to ask we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


That was a wonderful introduction and I already feel like I know you and I am sure you are going to make a good parront to a grey.


I look forward to seeing the picture of Maui, and that is a lovely name by the way.

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Yes, she has 2 breeder pairs of CAGs and I think only one pair of TAGs. Her site is www.valueperch.com. She raises other speces as well. I was very impressed with her facility(her own house) and how she worked with the birds. She was feeding some 2 week old's when we arrived and we got to watch. All of her TAGs were spoken for already, but she does have 1 TAG egg getting ready to hatch. Whhile her prices on Grays were comparable to what I have seen other places, her other speces prices looked a little less. She also had a baby Hans Macaw that I would have loved to have taken home as well.

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hi jody,

that pic is soooo cute,it makes me want another,but id better learn how to handle babygirl first.A big welcome to you and your family this is a wonderful place with a lot of warm knowledgable people as i have found out.The attitude you have concerning your blindness is inspiring and it just shows that the only thing that stops us doing things is ourselves,you go girl,and dont let anything stand in your way:)

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Oh my looking at the baby photos brings back memories. I got a brother & sister from same clutch. They are such handful and create a lot of dust (way more than my amazons ever did) and need alot of attention. I would love to have more birds - it's just too much work! I think they are worth every bit of it though.

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Hey all, attached is a pic of my wife Cherie and I from last Christmas time while we were on Maui. We got our picture taken with the Birdman of Maui and all his beutiful birds. We also did the same back in 2000. If anyone ever makes a visit to the Island, I would highly recommend visiting the Birdman. He has a setup in downtown Lahina. JODY_CHERIE_BIRDS_2006_small.jpg


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Hey all, thanks for all the kind words. Just got a new pic from the breeder this morning. Maui is already growing and changing. We are like expectant parrents waiting for the new baby we are so excited. I have been on this forum and a couple others pretty much non stop the past few days learning everything i can to get ready. We will be getting Maui around Christmas, not sure exactly when. We will have the breeder let us know when Maui is really ready for us. We have been making a list for a big pet supply run and we continue to add to it. My wife made me laugh the other day as we were talking about what the bird might pick up from us. Since I am blind, I use some special software that allows my computer to talk to me. I am on the computer most all day as I am a Database Administrator by trade. My computer speaks with somewhat of a robotic speech. Cherie told me if the bird starts talking like my computer , that she would kill me. LOL. I would think that this is a pretty good possibility. I plan to put the play gym in my office with me so I can spednd time with the bird while working. My whole family is home during the day as I work from home and my wife is home with the kids now. Maui will get lots of attention. Here is the pic. Jodys_baby_grey_small.JPG


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Hello Jody,


He is at a rapid rate and you won't believe the difference each week. What a great looking Grey he is!


If you are concerned of him picking up "Computer" speech, as I'm sure you know, you can just pop on a headset.


It's great to hear that you are consuming the wealth of information on this forum and the rest of the web. You should be very well prepared for his arrival. :-)


With you and the family being at home most of the day, he will become socialized much faster and add much enjoyment and excitement to your daily routine. :-)

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Guest briansmum

hi jody, thankyou for the great introduction. maui is such a gorgeous baby and i look forward to hearing your stories with him. you are very well prepared and have a lovely family that i am sure you new baby will settle in quickly with. please keep us updated with pictures :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good luck with your new angel. What a face and those eyes melt your heart. Welcome to the FAMILY!!!!!!

Looking foward to hearing stories about you and you new grey Maui. Have fun with him and charish every minute you have him. Good luck again and welcome to the family again!!!!!!!

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