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Aloe Vera??


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My Angie is plucking more than ever. She has been to the Avian Vet, has a very balanced diet, the same as Josie who is in perfect shape.


She started about 5 months ago with chewing on her feathers. This has now progressed to plucking them. No chest feathers left.


I bought Aloe Vera Juice 2 weeks ago, deleted it 50/50 with water. I have been spraying her with this twice a day, the afternoon spray I make sure she is totally soaked.


Still when I get home there are feathers all round her cage.


Has anyone else had any experience with Aloe Vera?

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There is always a reason behind the plucking & it can be so frustrating for owners because you have to find out what is causing it, before you can start to fix the problem.Has there been anything that has changed in your greys life recently which may have started him to pluck ?The list is endless but a few possibilities are;

Frustration from long periods in his cage

Lack of mental & physical stimulation

Change of family circumstances/ environment

Incorrect periods of light/darkness

A poor diet, high in fatty foods

Attention seeking.




Many members recommend misting with aloe vera juice.

If you type aloe vera in the search box at the top of the page you will be able to have a read through previous topics on plucking.I know it has good results & it will take time to sort the problem out im afraid there is no quick fix with plucking but continue to spray with the aloe.

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Also, the Aloe juice should not be diluted with water...use it strait.


Like LMG said, you need to sit and think hard about what changed when Angie started to chew her feathers. Even something as small as moving a coffee table can set off plucking. It becomes therapeutic for them and that is why it escalates the way it does...they begin to enjoy it.

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Thank you so much for the replies. I was at home for 6 weeks recovering from an operation and spend a lot of time with my 2 girls. Soon after I returned to work, Angie started her chewing business. It did not affect Josie at all.


I was told to dilute the Aloe Vera 50/50. Will use up what I have and next time use undiluted.

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That is probably your answer, when you were home recovering you spent a lot of time with them and when you returned it caused stress from lack of companionship and she started to chew then pluck her feathers. Angie is just a little more sensitive to the amount of time spent with her and Josie is more laid back, hence it did not affect her.


I also use the aloe vera juice undiluted.

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Yep...sounds like separation anxiety. This will be a tuff one to solve because you were home due to illness. I have heard of a medication given to parrots that is supposed to act like an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety pill would in people. It's supposed to work great the first time they are put on it and many stop plucking, but if something happens like a year or two later and they begin to pluck again the meds don't work as well. Normally I do not recommend medicating birds, but because on the circumstances behind your little plucker I would say it might be worth a shot.

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