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Edgar's Progress Report


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Well Edgar has been with us now for 2 weeks and he has made great progress I think.


I haven't tried to push him. I just let him kind of go at his own pace and it seems to be working slow but sure.


I bought him a lot of toys and we have play time everynight for about an hour and I am always mixing up our play so that it doesn't get boring to him. I am also letting him have his alone time with the toys so he doesn't get tired of me. Now, if he wants to play longer with me then that I do not discourage.


We take many trips through the house so he is getting more use to everything and he seems to like to look around a lot.


He is stepping up great and giving lots of kisses and that makes me feel good.


He is starting to make quite a few whistling sounds and I am sure there will be more to come. I cant wait for him to start talking or trying to, but if he doesn't it is perfectly fine with me.


Thanks for all your help and I will be giving another update in a couple weeks. Edgar_With_A_Rope.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: HannibalTheCrow, at: 2007/11/20 03:57

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Jimmycoop - My grey will give kisses when I say, "Give me kissy" or give him raspberries on the tummy. As for starting kisses, it's really as soon as you feel comfortable. If there is any uneasiness that you may think he will bite I wouldn't go for it because as we all know, if you think they will bite they will.


Also, give dry kisses, not wet ones...and never let them put their beak on your teeth. We as people carry nasty bacteria and fungi in our mouths like Staph and Strep as well as others that could cause nasty infections in birds.

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I started giving Edgar kisses the second day. I just sat down in front of his cage and started giving him sunflower seeds. He loves them. And then, about the 5th or 6th one I gave him I put it between my lips and put my face up by the cage and he took it and I said Kiss Kiss and I did it about two more times and then without the sunflower seed. And, he tried to take it anyway and I kept doing it and saying Kiss Kiss and giving him the seed afterwards. Took about 15 minutes and now it is Kiss Kiss and no seed and he knows. Just kind of a bit of trickery and it caught on I guess.<br><br>Post edited by: HannibalTheCrow, at: 2007/11/21 01:47

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Great job with Edgar, Hannibal! That's awesome...

Klaus does kisses, too. Not every time, but he pretty well knows what "Gimme a kiss" means. I just started doing it when he's on my shoulder and his beak is in a good spot I'd say it and give him a peck on the beak. After each successful kiss, I give him a big "Good boy!" and he puts his head down for a pet. Now, sometimes I say "Gimme a kiss" and he "kisses" my nose or somewhere that's not my lips. But, hey he's learning! :)

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Edgar is now finally starting to talk. Makes me laugh so good when he does that. He says "Hellooooo", "What a pretty bird", "Step Up", "Awwwwww". He has also started whistling this entire song but I cant figure out what it is but it is a entire melodic tune. Gotta thnk about this one.


For some reason he wouldnt come out of his cage on Thanksgiving Day. But, there was a lot of activity yesterday and it was not a usuall day here so he might have just been a little spooked. Anyway I didnt push it and left him alone, but he was whistling and talking a lot so he is probalby just upset about all the holiday goings on.


Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.

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Great progress in yet just one more day Hannibal!


I experienced the same demeanor change in Dayo (7mo old CAG) yesterday. We had several people and children here yesterday he had never seen. Some just freaked him out either by their clothes or hair..not sure what but he screamed at a few that walked past his cage. :-)


By the end of the day though, he was going from person to person that had plates to sample all the good stuff, when I took him out after several hours.


Just a little time and they seem to adjust well to the new friends of the flock. :-)

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