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DEVIL OR ANGEL: Salsa’s Multiple Personalities


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Hearing stories about Amazons always left me with the feeling that maybe some were a little exaggerated or extreme🙄🙄…until we came home with our Salsa. From the time she gets up in the morning until bedtime, it is almost like living with a multiple personality disorder on steroids and caffeine…Hahaha…


In the morning, she will be sleeping soundly until she hears Joe doing his nails on a chalkboard rendition by running his beak back and forth on the bars to wake me up. Then, she starts with the whining which gets progressively louder until I open her cage. Then, she greets the day and the neighborhood with her pterodactyl impression… (Oh boy!)😁😁

She steals Joe’s apples and pistachios (which drives Joe crazy because he then cannot eat until everything is replaced and untouched). 😝Then, she bugs me until she gets her toast. One minute, she will be singing songs of her own at the top of her lungs and the next moment, she will be sobbing her heart out or screaming how “Salsa is a good girl!”

She will be laughing manically and then fly over to bite Jay before flying off. 😈😈She flies to me and plays by hanging off my hands and mock-attacks and then turn around, flying over and hide in her cage for a few minutes.

When I have my asthma attack and am coughing, she joins in with a chorus of sympathetic wheezing and coughing, goes into hysterical laughing and then begins crying as if her heart is broken.

She greets dusk with her pterodactyl routine again and channels her inner Greek by tossing her plates after she finishes. She may be manic, but she is ALWAYS entertaining! xDMaggie


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One of the many things I remember about Cricket is when anybody came into the room she would jump up and down on her perch and yell Hi, Hi, HI all the time.

She was such a clown.

She always had a happy look about her;

You herd the song Bad to the bond, Well loved to be wet to the bone


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I've always liked that dino-parrot poster too.   Every morning after her breakfast, GreycieMae has to do her pterrordactyl runs back and forth across the aviary.  It usually sounds like there's a massive fight going on in there but it's just her getting her dinosaur out to play. 🤣

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