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So you think you want a Ammazon

Ray P

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Living with a Congo Grey and a Blue fronted Amazon is an education of extremes. They are so different yet so much alike.

Amazons like to be in charge and this is where you need to find a happy ground.

They are known to  for their unpredictable mood swings from nice to devil.

Amazons do have respect for a person with self confidence. If you show fear they will be in charge. If you try to bully them they can and do retaliate. You need to meet them  half way before you can start to build a relationship, after that comes respect. Respect is some thing you have to earn just like any other parrot only with a zon that mutual respect can and will be the foundation of your relationship.

Amazons can and are unpredictable to a point, They are also said to be the easiest parrot to train.

They are masters of body language. They know by your body language if you have self confidence and their body language will tell what`s on their mind.

With a zon your self confidence, respect and socialization of your zon leads to trust.

It`s a two way street for both of you that can lead to your time together being some thing that goes far beyond what you ever expected.

I love my Grey Corky with all my heart and I miss Cricket my zon the same way

They are each their own so love them for who they are.

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Add in three parts crazy with a 10-pack of 31,000,000,000 mAh rechargeable batteries and you have a Caique!

I was reading your description and was thinking, all of that sounds just like a Caique with the exception:  they do no respect self-confidence one little bit, they are not easy to train.


I had a BFA with my first set of birds when I was 19+.  His name was Tigger and he was probably my least favorite bird.  I assume now that he was a wild-caught as he just never tamed down, was always growly but I still handled him.  He rode on my beach bike along the California coast line with me, he loved that.   He also was the only bird I've ever had that went absolutely nutters when any spray bottle or water hose came his way.   Our Caique is a little like that when he's in the mood.   Tigger was always in the mood to get soaked.  I recall he was a chatter-bug, nothing intelligable though.   He did mimic the cry of my daughter to a 'T' and also did the car alarm and backup beeps with perfection.  I considered getting another one before we exploded to 6 birds but I just don't really mesh with that breed.   For some reason I have a very strong pull for Greys and Conures.   I love those two.


Tigger from the early 90's:



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Wonderful memories of Cricket, truly missed. More stories please.We need to fill the Amazon Room with more stories....

Steve, Good story, did you know  the Forum has a Caique Room? I'd love it if you had more stories...Thanks

Edited by Jayd
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