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Salsa's Multi-tasked Fresh Water Fishtank/Birdbath


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:PO.o Jay has a 30 gallon fresh water natural filtering fish tank to help supply much needed humidity. Let me describe the tank first....it has a natural soil bottom, has bottom and mid-level live underwater plants, and it has floating fresh water moss and plants (I cannot remember the name of). It has one, 5" foam filter (Air pump), LED multi-colored plant lights, the water temp is 76 degrees, PH is 5.5, and I cannot remember the hardness but it is sooooffffftttt water. It is heavily planted with imported almond leaves, aged Chollo cactus chunks, and contains 30+ crystal red shrimp (1/4 - 1 1/4" long), 5 bronze Tetras, one 3" Cory Cat, and 30+ Madagascar Snails. We never change the water (reverse osmosis), instead just top it off. The tank is topless except for the light to aid air exchange. It is 100% pure and drinkable and everyone, including Salsa and Joe, love to watch it.

Salsa, who has never found a bath she did not like, including a water cup, has chosen this as not only entertainment, but as a bath and snack place also. She will sit on the rim, and snack off of small baby shrimp and bathe. She will bury her head under the water (blowing bubbles), dip her wings in, and splash. She does this daily, summer and winter alike...Have you ever seen an Amazon bathe in soft water? She has the best, softest, and shiniest feathers around!! 9_9xD Maggie

Edited by Jayd
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