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Hello guys ,

I’m going to change  his cage and i wonder how i can convince my parrot to go to his new cage ? Because right now his cage is his home and ofc he is still wild , doesn’t let me to be close to him so that i put him there , so any tip guys ?? 

Edited by Erfan
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7 hours ago, Erfan said:

Hello guys ,

I’m going to change  his cage and i wonder how i can convince my parrot to go to his new cage ? Because right now his cage is his home and ofc he is still wild , doesn’t let me to be close to him so that i put him there , so any tip guys ?? 

Hi....if it is possible put the cages face-to-face and put the open doors together....you can wait until he moves to the new cage or you or someone can take a perch and guide him to the new one. How about putting his favorite treat and nothing else in the new cage to entice him over...

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10 minutes ago, Jayd said:

Hi....if it is possible put the cages face-to-face and put the open doors together....you can wait until he moves to the new cage or you or someone can take a perch and guide him to the new one. How about putting his favorite treat and nothing else in the new cage to entice him over...

Good idea I’ll do this , thank you 

by the way i have a question , why most of the time when i am talking to him he starts preening him self :D 

sometimes i think  ,maybe  when he finds me talking to him says : come on man , what are  you talking about let just clean my self this guys is crazy  :D

Edited by Erfan
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22 minutes ago, Erfan said:

Good idea I’ll do this , thank you 

by the way i have a question , why most of the time when i am talking to him he starts preening him self :D 

sometimes i think  ,maybe  when he finds me talking to him says : come on man , what are  you talking about let just clean my self this guys is crazy  :D

NONONONONO....lol...He is actually relaxing around you and being to trust you.....do not push him....go slow and keep talking....as time goes on, move closer to his cage. Further on down the line, open his door and sit down next to him while you read out loud to him. When you go to clean his cage, tell him what you will be doing before and during the process. Jayd

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When I changed Dorian's cage I assembled it where he could see me and it.  I did it across the room from him and then moved the cage closer until he got scared, and left it there or a couple of days for him to get used to.  I gradually moved the new cage closer to him until I could put it like Jayd said, open door to open door.  Let him see you put food and a favourite treat in the food dish, and then wait him out.  It may take a while for him to explore the new cage because he's been cage bound.  Just be patient.

If he's preening in front of you Jayd is right, it means he's getting used to you.  It's a very good sign.  Keep up the good work!

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