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Aaaw, what a sweet bird.

Klaus flies a bit, too. Don't know what to do about it. Today, he flew from the floor to the side of his cage, grabbed it with his feet for a safe landing! So that was cool. But I do worry when he flies into walls that he's going to hurt himself. I only hope he'll get smarter as he gets older and realize walls hurt and have nothing for his feet to grab.

As far as petting from the front without him biting, I don't know if that's possible. When I first got Klaus, the breeder sent us home with a book. The book said always approach with your hand from the side/back. From the front/top will put them into an instinctively defensive stance. Can't fight instinct. Since I've read that, I've always followed that rule and Klaus rarely bites me. He does bite my knucklehead husband and son, because they insist on approaching from the front. Klaus lets me know when he wants his head petted by putting his head down. Then it's ok to pet.

Thanks for sharing the video!

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you are welcome, I thought it might help if I just show you kind of what he does. It is just his second day with me and he is still a baby like many people have told me. They have also told me that I seem to be doing well with him. I just hope the little guy ends up loving me as much as I love him.

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Awwww, him falling asleep on the swing is so cute.


As Laurie said, approaching from the front/top can spur biting, so just go with what works for Cosmo. Over time he may trust you enough to come at him from the front but that will take time and from what I saw in the video he really has taken to you. For the flying it's also just training. If his wings are clipped right he should be able to glide to the floor, so if this is the case he really shouldn't be at too much of a risk. Now, if he drops like a rock because of a to short clipping you could have problems. I have heard of a ton of birds breaking the keel bone due to not being able to glide. If he is a literal sack of rocks in flight keep him over pillows, exercise mats, folded towels, stuff like that to protect the keel.


When you put him down on something you want him to perch on tell him "stay" and if he flies off pick him right back up and tell him "no" and put him right back where he was and tell him again to stay. Some birds pick this up quick and others can take awhile. The key is consistency, so just stick to it and he will learn to stay put when you tell him.

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Thanks for the advice, he only flew once this mourning it was when I tried to spray him and he flew away I just put him up after that. It seems like he is always trying to go to my shoulder now, I don't let him up there in threat of my ears, and him being in control. Also he has a playstand on top of his cage, I have a stool that I stand on when I pick him I am above him. Is it bad to put him up there and talk to him when he is above you? I get him down when I am above him and he usually fusses a little then steps up.

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What a cutie!!!


As far as your question on the video, I'm yet to meet a Grey that would let you pet them from the front. One thing you have to keep in mind is that in the wild they are prey, so anything coming at them from the front can be deemed threatening to them from what I understand. Mine will let me pet them on the back, but not for very long, these birds just aren't known for that. You also haven't had your baby for very long, let it get used to you and your company, before you know it I'm sure you'll be able to have a good bond and be able to do a lot more things with your bird!

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Yep, means he's comfy around you!! Don't necessarily "force" your bird to do anything, especially like the petting from the front thing, but with issues like stepping up etc(which doesn't lok like an issue with you at all) just try to be stern to establish that you rule the roost lol

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