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Hi I got Rosie my African grey in December her wings were clipped they have obviously grown now and I am not sure whether to trim them. Is it cruel she is now flying round a bit and I am a bit scared she will hurt herself. would really appreciate some help. Regards Tilly44 

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If you have the safety precautions in place to allow Rosie to fly, flying is best for them.

- no or slow ceiling fans
- toilet seats down
- nothing she can get into which goes for non-flying birds too
- make sure she knows where mirrors and windows are - it helps to put something on them till they learn their bounds
- exit routes must be protected at ALL times

Your biggest issue will be making sure you don't lose her out one of your doors.  It's happened to a lot of us, myself included.   I have several safety measures in place to ensure my risk is as low as possible.

Edited by SRSeedBurners
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Hi and welcome to the Grey forums to you and your companion Rosie.

Most of us here feel that full flight is in the best interest of our Grey and it makes for a happier parrot.

However you must be more vigilant for open doors so they don`t get out and open cabinet doors so you don`t shut them when your grey is perched on them so as not to injure them.

In the bathroom make sure the toilet seat is down so they don`t fall in and get trapped and drowned along with open water in the kitchen sink.

Windows and mirrors should be marked with decals so they don`t fly into them along with some pants that are poisonous.

Their safety is  up to us, but you will have a very happy parrot.

Their is a sticky in the health room on safe and poisonous plants.

P.S. They will get into everything  so enjoy

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Thank you so much for the advice, I did not really want to touch her wings. I have sliding glass doors that separate my room so will hang things down in front of them that she can see the glass. once again thanks. Regards Tilly44 

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9 minutes ago, tilly44 said:

Thank you so much for the advice, I did not really want to touch her wings. I have sliding glass doors that separate my room so will hang things down in front of them that she can see the glass. once again thanks. Regards Tilly44 

Welcome....Pictures pleases.... Okay, I have given you two Trophy's, thank you so much for joining...Your next 3 posts will each receive a trophy...We are all ears...Jayd

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This is what we did to keep our birds from flying into the windows in their aviary, including our 12ft double sliding glass door. 

1 - hung wide gift wrap ribbons hanging loosely so they move when there is air movement nearby

2-  Rustoleum Frosted Glass spray paint and some stencils to paint some designs on the windows


It's been 5 months and they clearly know where their bounds are now so I'm going to remove it all soon.



Edited by SRSeedBurners
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2 hours ago, tilly44 said:

Thank you so much for the advice, I did not really want to touch her wings. I have sliding glass doors that separate my room so will hang things down in front of them that she can see the glass. once again thanks. Regards Tilly44 

Another trick is to put "Stick-Um's", they remove easy and are cheap...Put them on mirrors and windows..

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