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The way that my parrot responses to me


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Hello guys 

It’s been 2months and 17 days i guess 

and that’s  how my parrot behaves :

what do you think guys? 

P.S : i asked a vet and he told me you can’t tame him to be a pet  because he’s completely wild and might  have  been  abused in the past :/ . 

Edited by Erfan
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I think it's a big improvement over the last video you posted.  At least he's not screaming and clinging to the far wall of the cage to get away from you.  He even did a little stretch in front of you.  That's a sign he's getting more comfortable with you.  What happens if you get a tiny bit closer to the cage?  Like Jayd said, it could be years before he is acting friendly towards you, but you're making progress as far as having him not be terrified of you.

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He looks much more comfortable to me as well.  Sometime you want to go back and look at your old videos so you can see the change in his body language for yourself.  When you live it everyday, you don't always see the minor improvements that are occurring. 

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I've missed some of your earlier videos.  He looks relaxed even though his vocalizations seem a little loud.  Your low soothing voice and consistent behavior will be the key to helping him adapt to your affection.  My companion Miss Gilbert came from a sketchy background with many new homes and I made a decision to meet her on her own terms.  It is amazing how intelligent they are and it does take time.  It has been seven years for us and while I long to have her think of me as her friend, I accept that she is not going to be a hand's on "buddy".  I accept her terms and accept her "grey time" and it is worth the patience and time we have invested in each other.

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Yes, katana600 and Miss Gilbert are good examples.  They've taken 7 years to get used to each other, and their situation was quite bad at the start.  Gilbert was a very fearful, untrusting birdy when she first arrived in her new home 7 years ago.  They are a good example of what we mean by "grey time".  Katana600 decided they were going to let Gilbert make all the decisions as far as how fast they moved, although there were a few times there was a chance to take a leap forward which sometimes paid off, and sometimes not.  Through it all we were here to guide and encourage them and they're both quite content, I think, in their relationship now, although there's always room for improvement.  We can be here for you as well if you'll let us to encourage you along the way.  Maybe it would be a good idea to keep a journal of how you're doing so that you can look back and see the improvements.  At least keep a video journal.  This video is a big improvement over your last one.  Keep up the good work.

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In our home all the birds come from other backgrounds, some very good and some traumatic. They each adapt to their new situations in their own way taking what ever time is needed to learn a new households rythms, sounds and sounds. He looks more settled now and is observing quietly I think he will be more comfortable as more time passes. With a Grey never say never.

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