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Weird situation


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Greetings  guys :) 

My question : 

1. Now i  can be close  to his cage but I should lie down next to his cage  and then it seems he likes it :| when ever i do that he puffs up and start playing with his toy or eating food and preening  , but when i stand  up he screams:/ he  He lowers his neck and cautiously looks at me . 

I try to increase the height of his cage but still I don’t see any differences  ,  

and by the way, I returned him to my room again he didn’t like the living room When i put his cage in my room again it seemed he was very thrilled 😁,  he was very relaxed and fluffed  up his feathers  .

P.S : i heard if my parrot puffs up for a long time he is sick , but how long exactly? 

Edited by Erfan
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Erfan, Greys time is counted in weeks and months  and years, he need to be back in the room, it might take a year to realize anything,,Please don;t lay beside him, it;setting a bad example, be fluent with him, raise his cage ad leave it alone...Puffed feathers are normal, he's acting normal...You have to live on parrot time.....It could take years before you get the reactions you hope for...Act normal around him....

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4 hours ago, Jayd said:

Erfan, Greys time is counted in weeks and months  and years, he need to be back in the room, it might take a year to realize anything,,Please don;t lay beside him, it;setting a bad example, be fluent with him, raise his cage ad leave it alone...Puffed feathers are normal, he's acting normal...You have to live on parrot time.....It could take years before you get the reactions you hope for...Act normal around him....

Sure , I’ll act normal, but my reason for laying was that he wants to see everything from  higher height , if He sees me in his level he  screams, and screech.

thank you for your answering 

I really appreciate your help 🙏🙏🌺🥀🌹🌷💐🌸🌼🌻

Edited by Erfan
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6 minutes ago, Erfan said:

Sure , I’ll act normal, but my reason for laying was that he wants to see everything from  higher height , if He sees me in his level he  screams, and screech.


Thank you my friend..laying down is not natural for you or him. If a person continues to do something like this, the only time a Fid will calm down is when you are in this position. A Grey is extremely literal; another important point along the same reasoning is that is you are upset at your Grey, you talk to him in an upset tone of voice and a happy voice when you are happy with him.

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22 hours ago, Acappella said:

Can you sit on the floor in front of his cage?  That's how I started with Dorian - sitting on the floor in front of his cage talking to him and playing with toys.

Recently he let me sit on the floor front of him ,

for how long ? 

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My friend, you need to set rules for yourself and stick with them.. Don't introduce anything that you don't want to be forced too do in the future. Your Grey is already training you well.....Give time a chance to work....

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20 hours ago, Jayd said:

My friend, you need to set rules for yourself and stick with them.. Don't introduce anything that you don't want to be forced too do in the future. Your Grey is already training you well.....Give time a chance to work....

Im a little bit confused because I don’t know how long I should speak to him 

sometimes i sing  to him with music in background is  it good ? 

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One of the lessons from my loved amazon Cricket was, talk to your companion and not at them.

Try using a soft voice as you sit on a chair or stool next to their cage. Some times sit next to their cage and read or munch on a snack and not say anything.

Talk to them like you would talk to your best friend in a calm voice  and they will listen.

This is about building relationships. They can read your body language and if your tone of voice is calm and soft they will enjoy you being there..

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With our warmer weather here in Arizona, the fans have come back out of storage and Joe (our Grey - scaredycat) has retreated into hibernation....:o In the nine years that we have used fans until we have to use the air conditioner, Joe has HATED the dreaded fans. I have tried different colors, types, etc. but he was never fooled and always beat a hasty retreat when confronted with that dreaded creature. :P Well, things go slowly in Grey time but we made progress today. Joe actually flew from the safety of his kitchen perches and flew out to share breakfast despite the fact that the fans were out. He did not stay more than 1/2 an hour but that was a MAJOR leap for him...:D Maggie

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Good rule of thumb is to end an interaction on a positive note.  And if the entire interaction has been positive, end it before you want to and before the parrot ends it.  I found that working with my cockatiel became significantly easier when I was ending some trick training or head scritches before he was done with them. 

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