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What's in yor food bowl?


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13 hours ago, SRSeedBurners said:

I have two African Greys with breakfast beards in my food bowl



Cute.  I wish my Greys would get along.  But my older girl (Maxi) for some reason can’t stand my other female JoJo.  Life would be som much easier.  

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You can add Ginger or tumeric to mashed sweet potato and add that to your birdy bread. I use eggs and coconut water in my version of birdy bread and natural unsweetened apple sauce. The rest depends on what ever fruits and veggies are in season.

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Today’s fresh dish.  Grapes, jalapeños, whole grain noodles, grapes, kales, squash flowers, high quality seed mix, carrots, broccoli, and I’m sure some other stuff I’ve forgotten since this morning.  Working really hard to get my picky eater on some better foods.  


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B|(Maggie typing for Jay)

There is only one way to find out if diet and general health in our Greys is proper besides going to the vet. For this you will need a Degree in Poopology 101. I have posted a fairly representative chart of what after dinner should look like. Also, a link or two....Since Smellorama has not been invented yet, there are some foods that will cause odor. Broccoli is one of the number one culprits... Also, some foods will change the color of the poop. The only way to learn these things is to "Observe the Poop". Seek it out daily, get to know it well....it could save your bird's life. .https://www.petcha.com/all-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-bird-poop/


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