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What a week !


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Well as you may have noticed i haven't posted much last week ! I have just had a horrid week :(


Tuesday i drove to work & got a flat tyre, so the car ended up in the garage un till Friday as i had a new exhaust fitted & a new tyre,being a BMW my invoice was roughly $600 dollars / £300 pounds :unsure:


Then Friday evening my darling 19 year old daughter had a night out with some friend's, a little intoxicated she managed to fall over & i spent most of Saturday at the emergency department :angry: She has managed to brake a bone in her hand & fractured some fingers :S


So after running around after our new puppy ;) sorting out my greys & helping Jody i thought Sunday would be my day of rest ! Well how wrong was i :(


I went to watch Billy my son play football / soccer & he went to header the ball at the same time as another boy & they clashed heads :pinch: Another visit to the emergency department ! He has a lovely black eye,A big lump & slight concussion :S


So i have taken the day off work today, Why so i can relax ! No way to catch up on all the damn housework & laundry :evil:


So i promise to try & catch up with you guys when i get 5 minutes ;)


Tracy x<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2007/11/19 09:50

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Oh Man Tracy, you have really been through the wringer!!


Thankfully, it should be over if you have any confidence in the theory the bad things happen in sets of three.


It's good to hear you are taking a "Mental and Physical" health day off to recuperate and well unfortunately catch-up on the chores you would have normally completed on the weekend.


Best wishes to you and a Big Brotherly HUG!! :-)

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Sorry about the rough week. I know this is kinda off topic but I just saw a deal on protective head gear for football/soccer players. I don't remember the name of the company but it was actually pretty stylish. You may want to look into it if your son is a die hard footballer.

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Its actually not a helmet. It looks more like a headband. It was designed by a father for his daughter who was an inter-national competitor. She suffered several cuncussions over a short period. She still has trouble remembering things that occured during that time. anyway I found the website for you it is www.full90.com It has some pro and semipro players wearing it maybe that will help to convince him. I used to fight and hated headgear (well honestly I still do) but I can tell you without a question that I have memory and visual problems now that I wouldn't have had if I wore the headgear like they wanted me to. Anyway I'll climb off my soapbox now.

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