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I moved his cage


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Hello everyone 👋 

I’ve just moved his cage and now he is in living room ( he was in my room ) , can you guys tell me whether  his new place is good or not ? 

P.S : Since I couldn’t upload the image here I think there’s a problem with forum so I uploaded it somewhere else 

here is the link : https://ibb.co/jUQM07

Edited by Erfan
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I don't mean to be critical but I see several things wrong here in this picture. First of all the cage he is in is much too small for a grey and I see no toys for him to play with. That cage is about budgie size and he needs one that is big enough for him to spread his wings and not touch the sides. He needs toys to occupy his time and to vent his frustrations on or he might find some other way such as plucking his own feathers. Second if that is some kind of heating or cooling unit above his cage then the cage needs to be relocated, it does need to be against a wall but it doesn't have to be a corner.

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1 hour ago, judygram said:

I don't mean to be critical but I see several things wrong here in this picture. First of all the cage he is in is much too small for a grey and I see no toys for him to play with. That cage is about budgie size and he needs one that is big enough for him to spread his wings and not touch the sides. He needs toys to occupy his time and to vent his frustrations on or he might find some other way such as plucking his own feathers. Second if that is some kind of heating or cooling unit above his cage then the cage needs to be relocated, it does need to be against a wall but it doesn't have to be a corner.


i had your opinion exactly but when I bought , the salesman told me that this cage is exactly for grey african  grey , in feature I will deposit money 💰 and buy a big one .

and i have toys for him , but unfortunately I haven’t used them yet because hi growls whenever I approach him I afraid if i open his cage he will hurt himself;(

should i put his toys in his cage in this situation is it ok ?

P.S: should i shower him now ? I know about  temperature of the water and   water pressure , but it’s been 26 days i guess   ,, do you think it’s time ?

Edited by Erfan
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5 hours ago, SRSeedBurners said:

What is the unit above his cage?  It sort of resembles a ductless mini-split but that may not be what it is.  Whatever it is, if it creates a draft on the bird, it's not a good spot. 


It’s a evaporative cooler , but we don’t use it until 3 months later 

and we sold our house and we will move in 2 months later so we won’t use it 

and in new house I will definitely put him somewhere far away from any cooler and air conditioner.

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4 hours ago, Luvparrots said:

I would place him by the window. Somewhere that he is part of the family.

I was told to put a wild parrot somewhere that two side of the cage is wall so that he feels safe and also has a good vision to the house and surrounding. 

But when we are close to him he starts screaming:(  

Edited by Erfan
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Heed the advice you have been given...Judy and everyone else is right on...get toys in there as soon as possible...Try to place kale or other green leafy or stemmed veggies (like a carrot) in between the bars of the cage. Get a small custard bowls or small dishes and keep them full of foods in the bottom of the cage at all times...(do not place under perches lol :P)  What you are trying to do is acclimate him to you, not you to him..remember this will take some time, maybe a lot of time...Don't give up.

You might try a flat bowl if water on the bottom of his cage with room temperature water and he might take hi own bath...you could even place some parsley or small chopped lettuce in the water to entice him. it might be too soon for a spray bottle as it might spook him...Right now. he is bored. There is nothing in his cage to keep him occupied, it's like he's sitting on a bare limb in the middle of the jungle exposed to all the predators.

Let  him scream, toys will help and give him shelter. What you are trying to do is ignore him right now to show and make him feel you are no threat to him...as time goes on, you will get closer and closer to him and start bonding.



Edited by Jayd
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26 minutes ago, Jayd said:

Heed the advice you have been given...Judy and everyone else is right on...get toys in there as soon as possible...Try to place kale or other green leafy or stemmed veggies (like a carrot) in between the bars of the cage. Get a small custard bowls or small dishes and keep them full of foods in the bottom of the cage at all times...(do not place under perches lol :P)  What you are trying to do is acclimate him to you, not you to him..remember this will take some time, maybe a lot of time...Don't give up.

You might try a flat bowl if water on the bottom of his cage with room temperature water and he might take hi own bath...you could even place some parsley or small chopped lettuce in the water to entice him. it might be too soon for a spray bottle as it might spook him...Right now. he is bored. There is nothing in his cage to keep him occupied, it's like he's sitting on a bare limb in the middle of the jungle exposed to all the predators.

Let  him scream, toys will help and give him shelter. What you are trying to do is ignore him right now to show and make him feel you are no threat to him...as time goes on, you will get closer and closer to him and start bonding.



Thank you I really appreciate your help 🙏🙏🙏  Since he is sleeping 💤 now ( here is 2:31 AM right now ) i will surely do it tomorrow, 

 and thanks guys for your  your helps  

you are my savior 

( I'm in middle of learning English so sorry about mistakes🙏😊

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It's going to take time to get your bird used to you.  Right now he's scared of everything and everybody.  When greys are scared they fluff up their feather to make themselves look bigger.  Sit as close to him as you can without him fluffing up or screaming.  Then just talk to him in a normal tone of voice.  Read a book to him.  You're just trying to get him used to your voice and presence.  When you do have to get close to his cage to change food and water dishes approach from below him and from the side so he can only see one eye at a time.  This way you look less like a predator and less scary.  The guy at the pet store clearly has no idea what is good for his birds - that cage is way too small like others have said.  It's good to have it in a corner right now so that he doesn't have to look out for danger from all sides.  Move toys closer to the cage slowly so that he can get used to them before you put them in the cage.  Like I said, this is going to take time, especially if he was captured from the wild.  All he knows about humans is that some of them grabbed him from his home and his flock, shoved him in a cage with a bunch of other scared birds, then shoved him in this small cage and sent him home with you.  Building trust is your first job.  Oh, and the sounds he's making sound like contact calls to me.  Answer him in a sound you'd like him to learn so that he knows where you are at all times.  You're his flock now.

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