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Feeding my parrot

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Hello guys! Umm i just wanted to introduce myself first of all and ask a few questions. I bought an african grey congo chick which is almost of 7-8 weeks now. He has been with me for quite some time and everythings going good so far, hes been eating nicely and he is active eversince he came. The only thing that i just wanted to confirm was that although my parrot (tango) is doing good on his feed, but a few people advised me to actually start feeding him some seeds and stuff. So before starting i just wanted to confirm whether or not to start giving him seeds and if i should then should they be wet and moist? And what type of seeds should i actually give him? Thanks in advance

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Greetings, your baby shouldn't be weaned till at least 3 month old.. How many cc's are you feeding now, and whats your feeding schedule? What formula are you feeding?;) Please don't clip the wings now, he won't wean until he's ready to fly, clip him later if you must...

Edited by Jayd
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I am spoon feeding him and almsot about 30-45cc every feed depending upon how much he eats. I feed him regularly after every 7/8 hours. And no i wont ever clip his wings. I just wanted to know when do i start feeding him seeds? Because i have a few people telling me that i should have started feeding him seeds already and all that. Oh and i still have my tango inside a brooder. 

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17 minutes ago, Tango123 said:

I am spoon feeding him and almsot about 30-45cc every feed depending upon how much he eats. I feed him regularly after every 7/8 hours. And no i wont ever clip his wings. I just wanted to know when do i start feeding him seeds? Because i have a few people telling me that i should have started feeding him seeds already and all that. Oh and i still have my tango inside a brooder. 

Thank you. Next week work hm up to 50cc, stay on 3 times a day for 3 more weeks then reduce hm to twice a day. Get yourself a low cage an put 2 perches as low as you can. line the bottom of the cage with soft towels.Acclimate him out of the brooder, NO DRAFTS!!!You can put a light for extra heat if needed. He'll let you know if he's hungry...You need a postal scale and weigh him each morning after his big poop,Record it. Only formula now...Please keep us informed..

Edited by Jayd
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