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New with questions...


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Hey everyone, my name is Logan I live in Moundsville,WV. I havce been a bird guru since I was a wee lad. I currently own 20+ budgies and English budgies which I breed and sell. I also just opened up a small business called TotallyParrotdise, I specialize in bird safe toys, perches, play gyms, rope toys, and shower perches. I do not own a grey just yet, I have my all of budgies, and a six month Quaker named Stewart that I love to death. I actually plan on getting my grey next week. But wanted to get some opinions from some first hand owners, I have read tons of books but love true testimony. Parrots are awesome creatures who have unbelievable personalities and dererve the best treatment. I did not open my business of breeding or supplies for money but for my true passion of parrots.


OK I copied and pasted that from my profile. On to my question. I have been wanting to get a grey for a long time, and have found one that me and my quaker Stewart fell in love with the first day we met him. His name is Rocky and he is 9 years old. Here is my problem I have read that greys can bit a bit of a pain during their maturing ages between I believe it is 7-8 years? (correct me if I am wrong). And I figured since he was nine we would be over that. I have many parrot books including Parrots for Dummies, Training Parrots with Positive Reinforcement, The World of Greys, The Quaker, and so on... and most of them claim that youcan get a grey that is 9 years old and you can get them to get used to you and love you as much if you got them when they are weened from the nest. I figured you guys being owners would be able to guide me first hand on what to do? Whether ot get Rocky, or wait and get a youngin. Rocky has a great life now, but I know how birds are and lets just say I give them pretty of room, all in a bird safe area of course. He will not be in the same room as the budgies but will be in the same room with Stewart. But I have taken Stewart to the house where he is at now, and they get along awesome. (though I know there is a chance they always will) I have been going and visiting him off and on for the past week just so he sees me and to see how he reacts to me,and to see how he is at home. I plan on bringing him home next week. My Quaker Stewart is unbelieveable though I can honestly take him anywhere, he follows me all through the house and is the ultimate companion. Perhaps I shouldnt be skeptical of Rocky being 9 due to their life span, and I know that depends on the diet, but honestly sometimes my birds eat better than me :P And I think I could give him a good home and offer him many more years of life. What do you guys think I should do? Below is a few pics of Stewart and my breeding Budgies. Any info would be grateful.


Stewie on his play gym I made him.



Stewie at work



again at work



A few of my breeders


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Hello and welcome to the family, Logan, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you are planning to get.


You are right, greys are awesome creatures and you will not be disappointed by choosing one. Yes you can take a mature older grey and bond with it the same as a young one, it usually takes longer so you will have to be very patient and allow it time to get to trust you so the bonding process can take place.


You need to read as many of our threads here as you can for lots of useful information, you may ask any specific questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I think you have the right attitude to be bringing home an older grey, not everyone can take a bird with baggage and love it as it deserves to be loved and cared for.


After you pick up this grey, please post a photo so we can see your new member of the flock, and good luck to you for undertaking a new business.

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Thanks for the reply I most definately will post pics of Rocky as soon as I get him. He is honestly flawless and looks very healthy. And I do think I will have the patience to bond with him. Thanks for the reply. I will read as much as I can. To be honest I havent stopped since I signed up. Anyone else that can chime in please do so, I would like as many opinions as possible before I make this move. Please dont think I dont appreciate the first reply I definately do, but would love to learn more

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Hello and WELCOME!


As a general comment, if you are willing to give the bird the time, love and attention necessary in a patient manner accepting who the bird is and the personality it has then rehoming is a great option. :) You need to be commited to take the good and the bad. Enjoy the good, work on the "bad" or undesirable traits to the extent you can. This is true regardless of what age you get the bird since they are all individuals. A mature bird will be more established with its personality. It looks like you have a good start with all the experience you have with other birds. One thing to be aware of is that at the age of 9 the bird is in the sexually mature years. I would not think this should be a deterrant as all Greys will go through that stage. However, you need to be aware of where the bird is at in its life cycle so you are better prepared to deal with its needs and personality traits that may be influenced by its age. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/11/19 07:02

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