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Owning a African Grey Parrot third week


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I bought a grey parrot 3 week ago and for this week i think my parrot is more comfortable than previous 2 weeks ,now he whistles in morning and wakes me up always about 8 A.M :)) , now when I approach him he growls less than previous weeks , but the sad thing about him is that my parrot doesn’t have a good past and my vet told me that you can’t  tame him easily considering what he went through and  just  Give your parrot away  and buy a tamed  one , i disagreed and i told him i don’t care  and i want to  rescue him because I don’t want to  send him back to pet-stores with bad  condition and ... :/ i think my parrot  found out what I said to the vet and now he is more comfortable with me . 😂 

this is my weekly update  about BoBo ( his name ) :)))) 

Edited by Erfan
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I'm glad you are willing to take the time an effort to keep Bobo out of a bad situation.  It is terrible when they are shuffled back and forth between owners and pet stores. What a miserable life that would be, especially for a bird who was yanked out of his natural environment. It sounds like you are making progress and that's great!  Do you whistle back?  One of Timber's favorite things is to whistle back and forth with me. That is a natural form of communication for them.  Sometimes he will mimic what I whistle, other times he does his own thing.  You've probably noticed that your grey whistles a certain pattern in the mornings? If I understand correctly, that is their natural flock "call." He's letting you know his location and leading you too him.

One thing I wanted to mention, though you may already know. A parrot is never "tame." Bobo will never be domesticated like a cat or dog.  He will become attached to you with time, and you will be able to teach him things like stepping up etc., but he'll never be tame. Even parrots who are bred and born in captivity aren't considered to be domesticated. Remember when you get to the point of handling Bobo (it may be a long way down the road) that parrots are prey animals in the wild. Trust is hard to build, and they often react out of fear.

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3 hours ago, Timbersmom said:

I'm glad you are willing to take the time an effort to keep Bobo out of a bad situation.  It is terrible when they are shuffled back and forth between owners and pet stores. What a miserable life that would be, especially for a bird who was yanked out of his natural environment. It sounds like you are making progress and that's great!  Do you whistle back?  One of Timber's favorite things is to whistle back and forth with me. That is a natural form of communication for them.  Sometimes he will mimic what I whistle, other times he does his own thing.  You've probably noticed that your grey whistles a certain pattern in the mornings? If I understand correctly, that is their natural flock "call." He's letting you know his location and leading you too him.

One thing I wanted to mention, though you may already know. A parrot is never "tame." Bobo will never be domesticated like a cat or dog.  He will become attached to you with time, and you will be able to teach him things like stepping up etc., but he'll never be tame. Even parrots who are bred and born in captivity aren't considered to be domesticated. Remember when you get to the point of handling Bobo (it may be a long way down the road) that parrots are prey animals in the wild. Trust is hard to build, and they often react out of fear.

I didn’t know about whistling back, I will do it tnx a lot 🙏🙏🙏🙏

And yes. I Think for prey animals,  fear is their best way to stay alive in nature 

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