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1 hour ago, kittykittykitty said:

They are golden years because you'd better own Fort Knox, at least a producing gold mine.  I don't understand how a so called civilized nation refuses to provide universal health care. Further, even with our broken medical system, no veteran should ever have ANY medical bill, EVER!!!   GRRRRR!

xD:D:P Right on Howardine...the VA will only pay for conditions occurred in the military. service...the previous October's bills are $304,000.00...Note: I have not listed all of Jay's medical conditions.....o.O

Here is my two-cents' worth ....short version:Jay was put on oxygen from the VA Las Vegas hospital. A new technician was put in charge last October for the Pulmonary Department and at that time started reducing the portable oxygen that Jay received. He was also on a home concentrator for 24/7 use. Around the first of December, he stated that Jay was due for an in-clinic re-evaluation (VA LV N). For the next few weeks, Jay, his local doctor, and I, along with current medical documentation, told this man he could not make it to Las Vegas unless he had a full medical transport (nurse, oxygen, ambulance, etc.). At that point, he gave Jay thirty days to make an appointment and show up at the Las Vegas clinic. Two weeks before Christmas, he cut off his portable oxygen and told Jay he could only use oxygen to transport to and from Las Vegas for his appointment. At this point, he told me to put an adult diaper on Jay and do what I needed to do (He missed seven local doctor visits, including two for biopsies and I have not had an opportunity to see my doctor since December because we went together since I take care of all his needs 24/7).

He was in the hospital twice in December and again in January for pneumonia and CHF. Even though we showed all this documentation and proof and the hospital contacted him, the day he was released from the hospital and went home, the oxygen company was waiting to pick up all his bottles and concentrator. (From orders from the VA technician), literally leaving him to die because he cannot survive without oxygen. They did this because he could not make a ten minute appointment in Las Vegas with an oxygen saturation meter on his finger to show he needed oxygen.

Thank God we had a used concentrator in storage. We contacted his local doctor and arranged to have a new concentrator and bottles delivered the next day. Jay has never recovered from this incident (and neither did I). Thank you so much for letting me go on and vent....lolxD:P I will get off my soapbox now...Jay and the Fids are reminding me that I have to feed them now....

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Thank you Howardine....we have filed a complaint with the Patient Advocate at the VA....the wheels turn slowly...When they took away Jay's portable oxygen, he could no longer stand to get into the van for exercise. He has not left the house since he came home from the hospital in January. His oxygen saturation at 5 constant litres is 88-91...if he talks, types, moves, or laughs at a good joke, it drops to the low 70's and the he hyperventilates until he can get his saturation back up...maggie is upset if its ok she'll finish this later jay

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11 minutes ago, kittykittykitty said:

My guess is five liters is as high as a concentrator goes.  Sorry if I caused you to be upset, my dear, dear friends.

I apologize...I am back...9_9 You did not upset me....it just gets overwhelming at times. His concentrator now goes to 10 and he runs it at 6 when he is relaxed, 7-8 when sleeping,  and 9-10 when I am bathing him, etc. He gets 6 portable E bottles a week. But you know what, there's always some one worse. Your all the best.....

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It's obscene to me that you're presented with a bill at all.  I'll gladly pay taxes to support our universal health care, and so will almost all Canadians.  We pretty much universally believe in quality healthcare for all.  As for the VA, anytime you're dealing with a bureaucracy like that you abandon all hope of common sense.  Even here we don't have the best record when it comes to our veterans.  I'm sorry you have to deal with this frustrating idiot on top of everything else.  I hope today is a better day.  Love, Marguerite and Dorian (and Jac the cat).

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30 minutes ago, kittykittykitty said:

No apology needed!  :)  Oh, I am so glad your concentrator goes to 10.  Do you have a senator or a representative that you can contact to ask for help with this non-human >:( at the VA?

We have filed through the Patient's Advocate Program (a complaint), More fun, you will enjoy this....since 2013, we have filed twice through both of Arizona's Senators. They have a standard form that roughly says "Please check into this...etc". They send this with the Senator's name to the VA representing your state. The state sends it to the appropriate person at the VA who pulls your file. They send out a standard form to the Senator/Congressman, files this form with your complaint, and then files this complaint on the bottom of the VA files that are being reviewed. So, this holds you back months and sometimes years. Then, the Senator/Congressman mails you a standard form which is auto signed saying every little thing is hunky-dory, finishing off with "Contact me if there is anything else I can do for you". This actually hurts you because it can make  your case longer.

We bypass this and went straight to the Patient Advocate and Hospital Director....still waiting...O.o What you hear about the VA is true...the Las Vegas VA Hospital is where two vets have committed suicide (one of whom set himself on fire after dousing with gasoline). Again, thank you for letting me vet....

This is really sad..from experience and my own opinion....we filed that Jay was terminal (to speed up his case), because of what happened while in the service. After filing, we were told by a VA Service Representative that that was the worst thing we could do. Being terminal, they have no reason to rush with your claim. So, our personal opinion is, they are completing new claims before old ones.

Jay had a "B" average in high school and with his family's blessing (in 1964, when times were different), Jay dropped out in the beginning of 12th grade to enlist in the Navy at 17. He has never asked for anything other than care from the VA. We praised our sons when they said they wanted to serve their country. Jay would fight right now if he could....we are still waiting and fighting to get him covered....His main claim is Asbestosis lung disease due to prolonged exposure in dry dock on the USS Kitty Hawk starting back in 1965. Asbestosis can take up to 60 years+ to diagnose. He was diagnosed in 2015 but because the word "Asbestosis" was NOT used in the medical paperwork from the doctor, it was denied even though the VA acknowledged that he had worked, unprotected, and exposed to asbestos. Now, in the last claim, we have 100s of papers from many doctors that states he has "Asbestosis" and "More likely than not", he acquired it in the military. We are waiting for the final reports from his medical team to complete his claim.

OK, I am NOW done....Jay never talks about this because he loves his country so much but I really needed to get this off my chest...I am so angry on his behalf....

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We have a political satirist up here named Rick Mercer, and he does a bit every week called Rick's Rant.  One week it was about how we're treating our veterans.  He has a friend who lost his legs below the knees in Afganistan.  In order to get disability benefits, every year he has to prove that he's still disabled.  Think about that for a second.  It's like every year they're asking him to prove that his legs haven't grown back!

When my dad was palliative with me the last year and a half of his life it opened him up to a whole lot of care.  In home nursing, physio, PSW's twice a day, doctor's calls, oxygen, no cost prescriptions, anything we needed.  There's an emphasis here on quality of life in end of life care.  It's better than the care you get if you're NOT dying lol.  The fact that the VA and your politicians have forms and procedures for complaints about the VA speaks volumes about how often they get complaints.  What about trying to get the media involved.  A story on the local news might light a fire under their butts.

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Thank you very much....I am so glad your dad had such good care the last year and a half of his life. The VA hospital that Jay is assigned to is the same one a vet lit himself on fire because he could not get an appointment. The VA rule book for care and claims is inches thick. You have access to it online and the rule of thumb is proper wording. For example: you must include a nexus letter stating "It's more likely than not that the injury occurred while in the service". Very few doctors are willing to go on record and make this statement.

One recourse a vet has, after being denied the first time, is an attorney. Besides the time and money required for a lawyer, the essence of the claim can be lost and you may still lose. From this point, there are government remedies that are dictated by when and how you can proceed. This adds time to the hope that your claim can ever succeed.

The sad part is most claims are determined by a VA employee who makes a decision based on guidelines from a VA manual they use. Media would be unacceptable to the VA and bring them down hard on any claims you have in. Thank you so much for the suggestion! A vet's worst enemy is the VA. For example: if your doctor uses the wrong wording, their doctor will contradict all finding and throw it out. 

Thank you all, Love, Maggie

Edited by Jayd
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I think I'm starting to see why your country has so little faith in a health system administered by the government.  They really need to come up here and see how we do it.  When I said we haven't the best record with our vets I meant annoyances like the leg/no leg thing I mentioned.  I wish you could come to Canada and get care.  Forget being a vet, just being a senior would get you better care.  I'm so sorry you have to deal with all this stress on top of not being well.  I'm seriously sending good thoughts your way.  Love,


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When the people elected to serve the people refuse to do so, it makes it very difficult to have any confidence in the government.  There is no humanness, no compassion,  only endless rules and unbending stupidity  I have nothing but the deepest contempt for those who refuse to help their fellow man.  Having been on  both sides of bureaucracy I know it is possible to find ways around these endless rules and I also know the stress of waiting for help.  Even the thought of transporting Jay the ninety some miles to Los Vegas is ludicrous.  I know that is only a part of the situation.  

Continued love and prayers,


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  • 2 weeks later...


Jay has been put on synthetic marijuana pills for pain and anxiety. 

Probably marinol (synthetic THC)  I.wish it were the real thing.  I don' know what the laws are in Arizona but I am eating, not smoking, real bud at night time.  It is the combination of low THC and CBD that provides the best results for pain and sleep. CBD works for seizures.  I do have a card. so I saw a MD..  


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Arizona law requires a doctor visit and license and costs $300.00 which we do not have. The stuff Jay has is Dronabinol and does not last long. We are going to try to get some way to get him a license. Thank you for the information. He has only slept an hour since yesterday due to pain. Thank you again!😁❤️ Maggie

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He is on antibiotics again... I do feel he is somewhat of a miracle...Jay has a few more conditions than what has been mentioned. He has MS, he has been having a number or small TIAs, sleep apnea, CHF, Asbestosis, enlarged heart, liver, kidneys, multitude of lung issues, diabetes, AFIB, undiagnosable tongue cancer, etc.

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Greetings...Bad day

Twice in the last 24 hours, Jay's blood sugar has dropped below 60 for no foreseen reason (which for him is teetering on coma stage) He has also lost his appetite. What is much worse is his o2 saturation has been dropping to low 70-80s and we have had to increase his oxygen to compensate and maintain 91.  Atelectasis is a condition that he has been diagnosed before but has seemed to worsen in the past day. He has been fighting about going back to the hospital but I am afraid he will have to go back....


Jay here, I want everyone to know I love Maggie and if it wasn't for her, my life would have been truly dismal, and I want to let you all know you are the greatest parronts on earth

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Miserable bureaucracy for certain, so sorry you are having to fight so hard just trying to get the help required. Golad you are both so tough and mostly positive thinking people it does help. Hugs to you both and positive thoughts headed your way.

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