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Things our greys do to keep us on our toes

Ray P

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I posted part of this some time ago.

Corky has a way of getting into things as I`m sure your greys are good at.

Always know where your keys are.

Two things that happened in one month.

I was out side in front of my garage when the panic alarm went off on my car .I checked my pockets and I did not have my keys on me so I went into the house to get them only to find Corky playing with them. One month later I was in my yard and as I was walking back to the garage my car started up, again I checked my pockets and I did not have them my keys so back to the house only to find Corky on the kitchen counter playing with my keys.

Note to myself:

Self; always make sure your keys are in your pocket or hanging in the key box.

Or the next time you might see your car going down the driveway.

I`m surer many of you have stories about your Greys antics that will bring a smile to our face.so lets share some stories of how our Greys outsmart us from time to time.


There is a sequence you must follow to remote start your car. I wander who told her?

Edited by Ray P
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That's pretty funny.   Before I read that part, I was waiting to see if you were going to say the Grey started the vehicle.  I'll have to think on this one.   I've seen some pretty hilarious videos of Greys that are learning to operate those Amazon echo's.   I think the funniest one was someone posted a video of them going through the grocery list and it was quite obvious who was adding items to the grocery list.

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