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He's home


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Well we left early this morning to pick up Cosmo, he is amazing already! He is a very handsome fellow, well you guys can see that :laugh: I'm kind of letting him get use to his new home right now. I think that is best before I start messing with him too much. He started eating when I got him home and now he is taking a nap. Any suggestions on first week bonding?

btw he turned 4 months old yesterday.










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I'm so happy you have Cosmo home, and from the looks of things he is looking good, a very handsome fellow indeed.


Thanks for all the photos, it gives us a good idea of what he is like and I hope nothing but good times are ahead for the both of you.


I think you are doing the best thing to let him settle in some first and then work with him. Don't rush it, take your time and he will come to trust and love you and you two will form a bond that will last a lifetime.


Keep us updated as to how it works out and his progress, enjoy your new friend, Jimmy, he is a beauty.

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What a sweety! Welcome to the forum Jimmy you will find tons of answers here!


As far as bonding, you sound like your doing a good job by taking your time and talking to him and holding him when he lets you. Keep it up and write with any questions or problems. There are soo many ppl on here that can help and give good advice. I'm still new myself. My baby is 6 months old and I've only had her 3 weeks.

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Well I was playing with him a little while ago, I had him on my lap and he was chewing on a bottle cap and I started to pet him. He tasted my finger I was like okay, then he chomped down I slowly pulled it away told him NO! firmly and put him up. then I noticed I had the rope perch all wrong so I took him out just for a minute to situate the rope. He got back in his cage and I think he was a little angry I changed it :( but he finally settled down. does it sound like I did everything alright?

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I wouldn't show any emotion when he bites. Sometimes that may be hard to do but if you show a big reaction he may get a kick out of that and he will do it more often. SweetHeart has done some testing bites with me and some harder than others and I don't even act like it bothers me I'll have her do what I wanted her to do like step up or move her and than put her down and if I have to turn around and say my OOwwww. lol But from what I have read on here about biting if you show emotion or reaction from biting it could get worse. I'm sure others will have some to add to this.

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If he bites really hard tell him no and put him back in his cage and turn your back on him, they don't like that. Then in 10 to 15 minutes later get him out again and if he does it again do the cage and ignore thing again, he will begin to associate the bite with the word no and being ignored.

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Judy has given you some great advice. From my own experience and being new myself it could take a little while for them to get adjusted too. It varies with all birds and well mine had a very very bad flight to get here so that is part of her problem I know. But just take your time and be paitient with him. Take everything you read into consideration and you'll know what is best for your little guy.

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Yeah it's so hard to leave him caged up I want to get him out and play with him haha. I'm sure everyone goes through that stage though. I am just going to start sitting by the cage a lot and talking to him sweetly and get him out every once and awhile. He normally steps up very well, every once and awhile he doesn't do it.

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Your new guy is a bird, and young, very young. He is scared out of his little mind. He left his Home and don't know why. Your bird won't get fixed in for weeks and you have to give him time.

Just think how a child of one year old is taken out of their surounding and knows nothing about the new people. GIVE HIM/HER TIME. Birds take things SLOW, so should you. One baby step at a time.

Help yourself with some sites that helped me.









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When Dayo was young and even today, if he bites or tests a little too hard, I just calmly say No while slowly wiggiling the appendage he happens to have a hold of.


He knows what the word No means and learned it surprisingly quickly when he would try to pull my glasses off when sitting on my shoulder while I was on the PC.


It has gotten now to where he will "test" to see if the glasses are still off limits, all I need to say is "No Glasses" and he releases.


I have never, so far, put him back in the Cage due to a hard "test" beak or bite. I believe "NO" is quite enough and if I can see he's pissed, I just sit him on the counter until he sheepishly decides it's more fun to interact with Me and have full attention. :-)


One note though, the others on this forum that is dealing with a new much more aggressive bird that purposefully inflicts a strong bite are doing to the right in returning them to the Cage, I believe. I guess the bottom line on this method, is if it modifies the behaviour for the better or worse. If they become worse, then placing them back in the cage is not working. as a behavioural modifier.

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I give the no in a stern low tone with a dirty look on my face...parrots are able to read facial expressions, so it helps when you give the evil eye along with the "no". If it was just a play/test bite I would leave it at just the "no" and stink eye, but if it's a serious bite I would put him back in the cage while giving the no and eye, and turn you back.



He is a very good lookin' bird, he doesn't seem to wigged out in the pictures so I don't think it will be long before you to are best buds...keep the pics and updates coming. B)

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